:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The NSA are not the …
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Data: 2014-01-01 15:12 -000
A: unsystem
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] The NSA are not the only guilty party
Yep, well it's good not to be complacent. But like look in Bitcoin and
see all these wealthy groups with millions. What are they doing? We only
need a fraction of resources to thrive. The days of starving hippy
opensource programmers is about to finish :) $1 in opensource world has
1000x effectiveness. That's why I love Bitcoin. About coding: all you
need is imagination and you're constantly innovating, walking ahead on
the possibilities. The Bitcoin is a massive space but we're all mostly
wondering around in a tiny part of it knocking our heads.

I'm really excited by Twister project. It's an incredible project. It
has endless possibilities.

I've been thinking for ages now that the proper format for BitMessage is
as a social network. But BitMessage isn't scalable. And we can do more
with DHT hashes since we can download bigger data.

I've written some more here:


If we imagine each post to be an diff update, then we can easily create
encrypted webpages which are able to be updated (like blogs or seller
pages). Imagine if people can establish an identity (nickname mapping)
to a crypto key on the Bitcoin blockchain and then serve webpages signed
from that ID. And you can communicate directly using Twister. Even enter
protocols to negotiate MPKs (master public keys) from them (over XMPP or
BitMessage) and create multisig funds or other Bitcoin


I'm lurking #twister on Freenode IRC. The author's email is

On 01/01/14 11:05, Wendell wrote:
> Amir,
> You know I always appreciate your positivity, and I'm sorry if I particularly have brought some doom and gloom to this otherwise very optimistic list. Jacob's recent revelations really knocked the wind out of my sails, but I will get back up, as I suppose will we all...
> -wendell
> hivewallet.com | twitter.com/hivewallet | pgp: B7179FA88C498718
> On Jan 1, 2014, at 5:52 AM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> So we've heard about what the NSA are doing.
>> And we've realised that what whispers we're hearing is the tip of the
>> iceberg.
>> But remember this: it is not just the NSA that's corrupted. There is
>> much darker shit out there throughout all the governments than we know
>> about.
>> The era of leaks is upon us. It's simply a matter of time that all will
>> become clear.
>> Don't lose hope. These are all positive developments. We're going
>> strong. Opensource is wildly successful and the movement is growing.
>> Protest through code. Subvert through initiative.
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