:: Re: [unSYSTEM] We were all children…
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Autor: Erick Malsbury
Datum: 2013-12-27 10:46 -000
To: System undo crew
Betreff: Re: [unSYSTEM] We were all children, don't lose hope :)
First off, I want to thank Amir for the encouraging words. It is hard to
swim against the current. It drains massive amounts of energy. The energy
expended IS totally worth it, but even I get burned out sometimes.

I have been a community organizer for many different causes (anti-war
protests, anti- Federal Reserve protests, presidential campaigns, anti
death penalty, pretty much any abusive power of the state you can think
of). I have no programming experience. I have no real skills besides being
an expert at talking to people, and sometimes even helping them to think
differently. I have not been very active over the last three years because
of a personal life issue, and then a diagnoses of stage 4 cancer this last
January. I am now in remission, and feel I am about 80% of my normal self.
I am ready to get back to work. If I can find an active role that can help,
I will. I do think that the most important part in the present remains up
to developers. I am even thinking of going back to school to be able to
assist in the creation phase. Anyways, keep up the good fight, and if any
of you need someone with my limited, but highly focused experience, let me
know. I have been doing what I can in the circles I have previously run
with. We cannot be stopped. I have all the confidence in the world.

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 3:54 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:

> guys, just wanted to say thanks! for this exchange, is highly enjoyable
> and by reading it one can get many good visions and possibilities and
> overall good vibes about the many things that can be done.
> on [de]centralization and disintermediation in politics and community
> organizing, together with some more people that have vast experience
> with that, we have managed to get some institutional leverage and an EU
> funded project together which is taking off just now:
>         http://dcentproject.eu

> provisory website, soon to be enriched with more materials and code. I
> think these reflections you make are well fitting into the theoretical
> framework of this project, we also have social scientists working close
> with Manuel Castels and I believe they can be well interested in
> interacting on this topics.
> this is not really advertisement, not that we need it, but a heads-up on
> the discussion and I'm sure we'll have the occasion to meet in person
> and have your point of views debated.
> ciao!
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2013, Thomas Hartman wrote:
> > Adam, by the way I don't want to argue just for the sake of having the
> > last word. I agree with a lot of what you say.
> >
> > I do think bitcoin is a good thing, and I think it will create
> > *different* and possibly better hierarchies.
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