:: Re: [unSYSTEM] We were all children…
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Lähettäjä: Thomas Hartman
Päiväys: 2013-12-23 16:19 -000
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] We were all children, don't lose hope :)
Bitcoin isn't going to solve every problem you wish it would solve. It's a
good way of leveling the financial playing field so crony capitalists have
less advantage. Insiders will always have an advantage.

If you want to get a healthier gini coefficient (less inequality), there's
no other way than what your ancestors did. Man up and plan to organize
politically, a lot of it door to door and slow boat, and get your head
around planning for decades.

Anybody here do community organizing? I sure don't. But my ancestors did.
It seemed to work pretty good.
On Dec 23, 2013 4:38 AM, "Adam Gibson" <ekaggata@???> wrote:

> On 12/22/2013 10:59 PM, Amir Taaki wrote:
> >
> > Bitcoin is not going to bring equality to the world. If anything it will
> > bring *more* inequality.
> This is highly debatable. The internet created enormous wealth for a
> few, but it's difficult to argue that it increased the overall
> inequality level. At the same time as the internet's rise, we had
> globalisation, which was a more important force economically, and which,
> paradoxically, simultaneously raised the standards of living for
> hundreds of millions in poor countries while increasing the level of
> inequality in exactly those same countries. China's GINI coefficient
> rose above 50, which only a couple of decades ago was a level reserved
> for basket-cases.
> The key to it all is [de]centralization. The reason that this explosion
> of economic productivity did not ameliorate inequality is because the
> hierarchical power structures remained intact. Efficiencies were
> leveraged by the power structure.
> Now the internet had given birth to decentralised messaging and a
> decentralised asset ledger, everything changes. Earlier forms of
> revolution were always a failure because many-many communication
> bandwidth was not sufficient to tranmit real meaning. Storming
> barricades or winter palaces was all very well but the mob could only
> transmit raw emotion easily, and so societies reorganised into new
> hierarchies as tyrannical or more than the previous ones.
> Even 20 years after the mainstreaming of the internet, society is still
> almost entirely hierarchical, because information is only power if
> guarded, but openness is built into the internet's design. The
> difference with Bitcoin is we can now transfer power as easily as
> information.
> And finally I got to the point :) - when society no longer needs
> hierarchies, the level of inequality is inevitably going to reduce.
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