:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Any programmers with…
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Autor: Mats Blomdahl
Data: 2013-12-18 19:31 -000
A: System undo crew
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] Any programmers with some free-time?

I don't live in TX (and also have somewhat weak interest in meeting up with
people), though I do have some programming skills and time available as the
Christmas closes in on the IT industry here in Sweden.

About me:

- Weak verbal English skills.
- Very enthusiastic about DarkWallet, BitCoin, Tor and whatnot (from an
ideological perspective).
- Currently working in IT (solution architect, software dev. lead,
account mgnr), building enterprise data-warehouse solutions on top of the
Google Cloud Platform during my working hours. Though I also have some
basic knowledge of common CMS solutions, front-end scripting and such.
- Python & functional programming geek. Very much in love with a modern,
massively scalable, approach to problem solving and resource utilization.
- Not interested in monetization. Very interested in OSS. Will leave
people who display traits of greed and/or need for recognition alone, out
in the cold, without prior notice.

Drop me an email and tell me more about your idéas if I fit into your
candiate profile.

Kind regards,


*Google Fanboy |* Tips: developers.google.com – appengine.google.com –
drive.google.com – cloud.torproject.org

Visit me at Google Plus: google.com/+MatsBlomdahl

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:23 AM, Robert Jakob <rsjakob@???> wrote:

> I have a few ideas I would like to bounce around and see if anyone is able
> and willing to help program. I think they're right along the same values
> trying help stabilize the destructive nature of big government and big
> business.
> Anyway, if anyone knows where I can find some talented coders please let
> me know or pass along my name and email. I don't have any money, but I
> have ideas of how to monetize the sites and possibly run a
> kick-starter/indie go-go campaign. I live in San Antonio, TX. I would be
> willing to drive anywhere within Texas to meet anyone serious about a
> collaboration.
> Thanks,
> Robert Jakob
> rsjakob@???
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