:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Sending private keys…
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Auteur: William Patterson
Datum: 2013-12-13 15:53 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Sending private keys through post is illegal saysFINCEN
It sounds that you are more of a Libertarian than just a free market anarchist! Check out an old book - mid 17th or 18th century - /The Law /by Frederick Bastiat. He sums up just what you want as free market anarchist! It's a short book too, and totally supports complete freedom of choice - you can do anything you desire just so long as it doesn't harm anyone else!

And I totally agree with you about the current, despicable crooks who call themselves "bankers" or "politicians". To hell with them all - spread the bitcoin revolution!!! Down with government controlled fiat "money" and their endless snooping into pur private lives which is none of their business - they just want endless power and control over everyone.
----- Original Message -----
From: Özer Tayiz
Sent: 12/12/13 03:42 PM
To: System undo crew
Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] Sending private keys through post is illegal says FINCEN

Both bitcoins, and cash, and gold ad silver and diamonds, practically anything of value have been used throughout history for both legitimate and illegitimate, legal and illegal uses. Someone might be selling drugs for bitcoins, another might be selling contract killing services with bitcoins. So what? They can do so with cash, gold, diamonds, whatever. Do we ban them? No. That's not even %1 of the usage. It would be like shutting down the whole internet because people share copyrighted material online using bittorrent.

And I'm sure if Bitcoin gains popularity, there will be ways to use it for inheritance, or companies, or shares in companies, or whatever, safely, securely, and anonymously.

And I'm a free market anarchist, (agorist) and I don't see a problem with adults buying and selling drugs, by their free choice. It is a victimless crime. Most so-called financial crimes are not crimes at all.

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Luke-Jr < luke@??? > wrote:
On Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:23:39 PM jindq1 wrote:
> Private keys that are publicly advertised as money, yes.
> I'm all for bashing ignorant governments and overreach, but you can't get
> upset about someone getting in trouble for selling drugs "as candy" because
> "it's just candy".

You must be new.. anarchists tend to use these "arguments" the majority of the


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