:: [unSYSTEM] SpareCoins: The Bitcoin …
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Fecha: 2013-12-11 19:04 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: [unSYSTEM] SpareCoins: The Bitcoin Wallet in your browser

all these new wallets rushing to market suddenly. we just need to sit
back, let people write code to use in darkwallet :)


we have long term vision, so it's important we take time and deliver
when ready. the tools we make can help kryptokit, sparecoins and other
wallet developers.

if the things we make is better, then people will download & use them.

it's also positive if we work together because then we have a wider
community and focus on the backend tech where we shine. doing things
like building communication protocols, fundamental technology, ...
taking our time to think and construct.


resistance is futile. we will add your biological and technological
distinctiveness to our own.