:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Unsystem cooperative…
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Auteur: caedes
Date: 2013-11-29 01:52 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Unsystem cooperative fund
Hi Enric!

We discussed a bit about this in Milan.

We still don't have a final decission, but some points are relevant so I
will put them here:

1. We will prefer to create tools so anyone can both do fundraisers and
manage the funds (fundraisers/anyonecanpay + m of n) and organize with
no central point. This allows for a structure, where money flows in from
the fundraisers, then gets transferred to m of n accounts, where
decissions can be then proposed to spend the funds in different tasks,
or else send to another m of n (another group or some other interesting

2. There exists the possibility of using autonomous corporations. A new
concept introduced by invictus innovation for bitshares (
http://invictus-innovations.com/), although it can be used with other
frameworks, we will be seeing more and more of those (looks like people
is really excited by the possibility). The idea here is have a program
(or robot) that manages the funds, and can for example check enough
funds are maintained to guarantee daily operations, dividends sent to
shareholders, and other funds spent through shareholder decissions or
corporation code.

We will develop an example site that will work for managing cooperative
funds, as a use case and test for dark wallet features. Egora is looking
to incorporate as some kind of DAC (autonomous corporation), and we
might be able to use something similar for the pbx.lorea aka pln.

About having an unsystem fund, one possibility would be rather have a
list of unsystem endorsed initiatives (would have to be aligned with
some mision or guidelines we don't yet have), each with their own
meeting point for doing decentralized fundraisers and decission making
(voting through m of n) over spending funds. This way we can have a
place where people can go to and rally behind, that then points back to
the interesting initiatives, organizations and so on, where you can put
your funds to good use.

Anyways, would be great to hear some other ppl opinions on these, for
sure the possibilities are mind blowing.
I also think we will discuss a bit more about this when Jason King is
around (saturday), we will keep you updated.



On 26/11/13 16:22, Enric Duran Giralt wrote:
> Hello again,
> I want to return to an idea that was emailed by amir as a part of the
> content: cooperative business models through bitcoin from 2/11
> "For instance unSYSTEM could have 1 cooperative fund which is
> managed by a form of consensus. Individual projects could make their
> own cooperative funds and request money from the community. Projects
> could be funded through milestones with tradable shares (unlike
> untransferable crowdfunding perks). This could be used to fund the
> creation of public services, and there are other contractual tools"
> I want to convert this idea in a proposal to discuss.
> Because the exponential growht in value of bitcoin as a deflationary
> currency, most of us,
> are having big economical earnings only for holding it.
> One of the perhaps unexpected consequences its that perhaps for the
> first time in the recent history
> exist a big group of unsystemic individuals that have a great economic
> situation (and yet better every day..), and have capacity to organize
> themselves.
> Money is one of the main tools to change the world. Other is knowledge.
> I am convinced that another main tool is a group of people really able
> to organize themselves in affinity and cooperative bases, with knowledge
> and money.
> Well, we can have all of this tools and depends on our willingness,
> what i am proposing is convert that cooperative fund idea in a new
> project of this unformal unsystem network that we could call the
> "unsytem cooperative fund" (or unsystem revolutionary fund) where
> collaboratively managed wealth is used to create key projects in the
> way of new comprehensive social models based in human freedom.
> would be great if somre of you could take profit of the meeting in Milan
> to talk a bit about this...
> cheers,
> enric
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