:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Teaching remotely (p…
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Auteur: Amir Taaki
Date: 2013-11-26 18:14 -000
À: System undo crew
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Teaching remotely (pair programming)
Oh I love teaching people. I used to teach people from IRC using screen
on my VPS.

On 26/11/13 15:18, Wendell wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was thinking about something that would be awesome for the unSYSTEM crew to start doing regularly -- holding classes online.
> I've had a little experience learning from someone using this kind of a method:
> http://pivotallabs.com/how-we-use-tmux-for-remote-pair-programming/
> Basically we setup a normal Linux/BSD box with tmux, which is like screen on steroids. We all SSH in ('mosh' is even better, much smoother) and some kind of VoIP line provides the platform for communication.
> It's really simple and it works great.
> I hardly have enough experience to really teach anyone much this way, but on the other hand I guess some of you guys might, so I'm just putting it out there. Education should probably be a staple of unSYSTEM; you'll certainly build more confident warriors that way.
> -wendell
> hivewallet.com | twitter.com/hivewallet | gpg: 6C0C9411
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