:: Re: [unSYSTEM] UK Prime Minister Da…
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Lähettäjä: Amir Taaki
Vastaanottaja: unsystem
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] UK Prime Minister David Cameron Announces That Filters Used to Block Porn Will Also Block Websites Espousing "Extremist" Views in Order "to Keep Our Country Safe"
I just want to say not to get demoralised by all these sweeping controls
and growing enforcement.

The internet will win.

If they shut down the internet, we will make a new one.

The rise of technology is inevitable. Especially one's with such huge
marketforces and utility like the internet and Bitcoin.

On 26/11/13 10:09, Amir Taaki wrote:
> http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmhansrd/cm131023/debtext/131023-0001.htm#13102356000002
>     Paul Goggins (Wythenshawe and Sale East) (Lab): Two weeks ago, the
> head of the Security Service warned about the extent of Islamist
> extremism. This week, two individuals have been charged with serious
> terrorist offences. What is the Prime Minister going to do in January
> when, as a result of his Government’s legislation, some of those whom
> the Home Secretary has judged to pose the greatest threat to our
> security are released from the provisions of their terrorism prevention
> and investigation measures?

>     The Prime Minister: We have put in place some of the toughest
> controls that one can possibly have within a democratic Government, and
> the TPIMs are obviously one part of that. We have had repeated meetings
> of the extremism task force—it met again yesterday—setting out a whole
> series of steps that we will take to counter the extremist narrative,
> including by blocking online sites. Now that I have the opportunity, let
> me praise Facebook for yesterday reversing the decision it took about
> the showing of beheading videos online. We will take all these steps and
> many more to keep our country safe.

>     Q11. [900629] Julian Smith (Skipton and Ripon) (Con): Following the
> reckless handling by The Guardianof the Snowden leaks, will the Prime
> Minister join me in paying tribute to the women and men of our
> intelligence services, who have no voice but who do so much to keep this
> country safe?

>     The Prime Minister: My hon. Friend is absolutely right. It is one of
> the greatest privileges of my job to work with our intelligence and
> security services and to meet some of the people who work for them. He
> is right to say that they do not get thanked enough publicly because of
> the job they do, but I am absolutely convinced that the work that GCHQ,
> MI5 and MI6 do on behalf of our country helps to keep us safe. We have
> seen that again this week with the arrests that have taken place. Once
> again, this came from brilliant policing work and brilliant intelligence
> work, helping to keep our country safe. We cannot praise these people
> too highly.

> -------------------
> Remember those beheading videos from Saudi Arabia he was demanding that
> Bitcoin censor. Maybe this motherfucker should stop supporting Saudi
> Arabia instead of trying to cover up their human rights abuses.
> This is the same tactics that led to the IWF (Internet Watch Foundation)
> being formed after pressure was heaped on the ISPs by the metropolitan
> police and a certain company was heavily demonised as enabling child
> pornography.
> We cannot trust these sneaky people and their everlasting quest for
> control. The history of the internet is the same narrative as Bitcoin's
> ongoing story.
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