Autor: Noel Maersk Data: 2013-11-21 16:44 -000 A: libbitcoin mailing list Assumpte: Re: [Libbitcoin] obelisk chokes on block #264000
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 04:17:10PM -0000, Amir Taaki wrote: > I can see from your breakpoints, the fetch_transaction() call is failing
> which shouldn't happen. Never had this before. If you think your database
> is corrupted that could be the problem.
> Something you can do is to insert on line 793:
> log_info() << "fetch tx: " << previous_output.hash;
> Then use sx fetch-transaction TXHASH to try fetching it from your database.
Thanks, that did it.
f6f0c30c99f8b1539d6fb34064b87e091e4cd6f11e6cd70bbd761cf90f2a0412 from
block 224781. `sx fetch-transaction` says it doesn't exist.
I'll try re-downloading the blockchain. Get back here in a few days.