Autor: Noel Maersk Data: Dla: libbitcoin mailing list Temat: Re: [Libbitcoin] obelisk chokes on block #264000
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 07:50:15PM +0000, Robert Williamson wrote: > Strange. Did you download the blocks normally through the network or
> use a bootstrap.dat file?
Through the network. Did an `sx initchain` and it went from
there. I had to restart obelisk a few times at first, didn't bother to
debug why. This is not related to my discussion earlier on this list
(that was on a different machine).
Both machines are 64-bit.
> I'm running the same libbitcoin and obelisk as you and I've surpassed
> that block with no problems.
Were you using the same version of obelisk back then? (I assume yes.)
Perhaps I'll figure out a way to raise errors from connect_input().