:: Re: [unSYSTEM] DarkWallet aim
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Συντάκτης: Odinn Cyberguerrilla
Ημερομηνία: 2013-11-18 03:56 -000
Προς: System undo crew
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] DarkWallet aim
This is almost religious ("Sing it, brother!"). Be that as it may, I
found it both bizarre and extremely encouraging when I heard a priest this
evening (in a place where I almost never go) give a homily speech that
more or less was calling people to reject the state and go out and be good
on their own.

Which is actually what I'm hoping will happen.

It sure was interesting to hear. It was almost like I was hearing a
hybrid of Mike G. and A. Taaki up there on the podium, encouraging us to
"sing it."

OK, enough of that.

I've put a post out more or less breaking my vow of silence (though I'm
still silent on twitter). It supports development of anonymity in
bitcoin, CoinJoin, Darkwallet, etc. It's got a bit of my random
philosophizing thrown in. Check it out plz and "Spread the Good Word."

Here you go: https://www.cyberguerrilla.org/blog/?p=16452

It's in a couple places on twitter for the "social in you" if you want to
RT or push it that way.





Keep Singin' it

(Not Dead, just currently in odinsleep in the dark world)

> Sing it, brother!
> On 11/17/2013 06:01 AM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> We are not making toys for yuppie students to buy snacks.
>> We are building tools of business and trade. Crypto, p2p and opensource
>> tools that will be used to create new forms of human organisation and
>> association. The time has come for a crypto future.
>> Silk Road has shown the demand exists, but we are nowhere near the end.
>> We will push until all markets are decentralised. More markets are
>> coming. The realm of possibilities that Bitcoin brings hasn't even begun
>> to be explored.
>> I want to see development of a framework for creating DACs and study
>> into such concepts providing services / infrastructure. A piece of
>> software acting as an Automated Infrastructure Entity.
>> By combining the tools of trade into useful business products that will
>> enable unknown strangers across the planet to enter into mathematical
>> binding agreements, collaboratively manage wealth and plan through
>> encrypted communication channels using a distributed identity then we
>> will see the emergence of a new stage in digital markets. Nobody knows
>> what we will happen as we explore this new territory. A new world
>> awaits. Ideas cannot be stopped.
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