:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coin Validation
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Auteur: Matthew
Datum: 2013-11-16 09:57 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coin Validation
So what you're saying is, you expect the world to go to hell if everyone is anonymous.

Matthew N. Wright

> On 16 Nov 2013, at 09:39, Caleb James DeLisle <cjd@???> wrote:
> I agree with Luke here, if not for religion or community pressure
> (EG: grandma will find out) then people do whatever they think will
> give them an advantage and then justify it to themselves so they
> can go on feeling that they are decent and honest human beings.
> This happens not because people think about being evil but because
> people by and large don't think deeply about their motivations at
> all.
> The biggest reason why so few people are overt career criminals is
> because crime is such a fantastically bad business to be in. You
> get locked up and treated inhumanely, your cohorts rat you out, you
> get robbed, shot at, backmailed.. and at the end of the day (as a
> typical street crack dealer) you make about minimum wage.
> Anything which makes criminality a better lifestyle choice is going
> to bring more of it because not only does it encourage the
> unscrupulous but it also makes criminality more of a cultural norm
> and natural selection breeds those who are both willing to engage
> in the activity and able to perform the mental gymnastics to excuse
> their behavior to themselves. Perhaps even to glorify themselves as
> modern day Robin Hood.
> Thanks,
> Caleb
>> On 11/16/2013 09:46 AM, jamileh s.t. wrote:
>> " Humans are by nature inclined toward evil, and historically when
>> people can get away with things (ie, nobody finds out) there have only been
>> two things to stop it: either religious morals (ie, "God knows"), or a police
>> state." i don't think this is true, do you really feel that way about yourself for example? we have some relatedness with those closest to us, and some lesser degree of relatedness with humans as a whole, maybe our brains have selected for the behaviours to be kind and take care of those closest to us, and when we perceive random people we are unable to section off those instincts, or completely distinguish them from a family member.
>> On 16 November 2013 02:17, Amir Taaki <genjix@??? <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>> wrote:
>>    luke, this is very smart. well done.

>>    sorry everyone for being slow to respond to mails.

>>> http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1qocdj/miners_time_to_deprioritisefilter_address_reuse/
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