:: Re: [unSYSTEM] fuck the bitcoin cor…
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Skribent: Luke-Jr
Dato: 2013-11-14 20:52 -000
Til: Benjamin Cordes
CC: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] fuck the bitcoin core team
On Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:06:20 PM Benjamin Cordes wrote:
> Are all contributions strictly composable?


> People can add bad code, or good contributions can be a matter of priorities
> and design. It's not as if software is the output of a linear function, like
> building the pyramids brick by brick.

Bad code won't get accepted by peer review. Admittedly, there's a problem if
you can't find peers willing to review your code. The answer to that is to get
more people with common interests involved - or "trade" someone else with the
same problem.

> In what ways are "developers" accountable to "users"? In terms of the
> system surely miners are a very special kind of users of the system. Most
> users don't have the faintest idea about the network.

Not at all.

> How many people in the world have a deep knowledge of bitcoin?

Less than 50.

> What Mike Gogulski was pointing out is that beliefs matter. I would put it
> in different words, but I certainly support the idea that corporatism
> should have no place in bitcoin land. Clearly people who have worked for
> major US corporations are at least a little brainwashed.

There is obviously has quite a bit of "corporate brainwashing", but it's only
a problem if that affects merged code.
