Autor: Robert Williamson Data: 2013-11-06 21:32 -000 Para: Luke-Jr CC: System undo crew Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] fuck the bitcoin core team
I wasn't saying that he was a god. However he created a system for personal
financial freedom, it seems like Gavin is playing down the political and
financial freedom side of things to keep the heat off him.
On 6 Nov 2013 21:12, "Luke-Jr" <luke@???> wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 06, 2013 9:00:41 PM Robert Williamson wrote:
> > > I assume here is one major disagreement, quote from Gavin:
> > > "But I see advocating for Bitcoin as separate from advocating for
> > > financial privacy/freedom in general."
> >
> > This is clear from the message placed in the genesis coinbase transaction
> > and other messages from satoshi didn't create this software for fun.
> >
> > The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
> >
> >
> > This quote shows how concerned the creator was with the current
> centralised
> > fiat currency system, along with the power that this gives to governments
> > and the financial sector.
> Satoshi isn't a god and can't dictate how others use Bitcoin any more than
> anyone else. Bitcoin is a technology, not a political movement. Your
> political
> movement is free to embrace it, as is mine, or anyone else's.
> Luke