:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Call for material!
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Szerző: Adam B. Levine
Dátum: 2013-11-03 22:48 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Call for material!
I'd like to get either Amir or Cody on an episode of Let's Talk Bitcoin
this week talking about Darkwallet - Who's up for a talk?

Adam B. Levine
Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com>
[image: Inline image 2]
Talk to me on Gli.ph, my preferred communications platform

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???> wrote:

> Hi!
> We're doing a crowd funding campaign for DarkWallet soon. I'm looking
> for any material (especially from people here) that we can weave into
> a tapestry of our vision and ideals.
> How we are thinking, what we are working towards, what interests us, ...
> Articles, videos, images, forum posts, ... anything. We want to
> present something to the people
> * It's not only about the 'black market' but tools for the people, the
> limitations and the monopoly of money / economy.
> * Tools like DarkWallet are your own financial system, a free financial
> system.
> * It's important to talk about independence and community (organising
> together).
> * Everything from petrol, food, computers, even our health is manipulated.
> * Finance is one aspect, but we need to take back control of more things.
> * Silk Road: $1.2 billion market, 2 murders, >2 years. DPR is a hero.
> Compare that with something like producing rice and all the people
> that die.
> * More simply:
> ** Bitcoin = amazing scifi. The blockchain is incredible.
> ** No technical limitations. The limitations are human limitations.
> ** We will have all the tools, but we need the community.
> * Bitcoin Foundation has a lot of money, all the legitimacy but they do
> nothing. They are lost in the politics, but aren't thinking of serving
> the people.
> * We are here now working with the future in mind. These things take
> time and are slow. Maybe 5 years from now all these crazy concepts
> become reality.
> ** Bitcoin is still young.
> ** It's also about the internet.
> ** Bitcoin is something new but immensely powerful.
> - --
> Abolish the NSA
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