Sorry for any formatting chaos. Just posted this at:
Enjoy my bile!
Quote from: Mike Hearn on November 02, 2013, 02:43:14 PM
I don't think Amir will actually do that though, because that might
suggest that maybe Gavin and Mike aren't idiots who work for the Illuminati.
For the record, I don't think that Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen are
idiots who work for the Illuminati.
Clearly, they are both intelligent people. They could not *possibly*
have achieved what they have while being idiots.
However, I do declare, Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen, that you seem to
be complete assholes. And while I won't point at the Illuminati (I am,
after all, a card-carrying member for a quarter of your pathetic human
centuries), I will say this: Hearn and Andresen, you behave like
dyed-in-the-wool statists who either:
a) HATE the idea of taking ANY personal risk to fight the evil fucks who
presently own the planet, meaning you're fucking cowards (grow a pair); OR
b) are completely UNCONSCIOUS of the fact that evil who fucks presently
own the planet, meaning you're INEDUCABLY IGNORANT of matters you've
long been exposed to in the Bitcoin milieu (wake up and take a lesson,
Stockholm-syndrome-affected dumbasses); OR
c) are IN BED with the evil fucks who presently own the planet, in which
you are traitors to humanity (die screaming, on fire, alone, each in
your own separate hole); OR
d) want to BECOME one of the evil fucks who presently own the planet
I'll leave it to the sycophantic fanentity audience to choose among the
three or... wait for it... scream blue murder at me for uttering
uncomfortable truths.
Now, I don't mean to say that the two of you go around crushing kittens
or such, but look:
- You two CONSTANTLY harp on Amir's fuckup with Bitcoinica. Amir DID
fuck up there, bigtime. You seem incapable of entertaining the notion
that he learned anything from that, or that it was an honest mistake
rather than willful negligence or malice, and you seem to act,
therefore, like anything Amir says or is involved with is a pool of
liquid shit with anthrax and ricin sprinkles on top.
- Gavin's BOMBASTIC IGNORANT DUMBSHITTERY of historical context in
writing <>
(Google+, 20 May 2013):
Quote from: Gavin Andresen
We're never going to agree on tactics. I'm a pragmatist, so if putting
star patches on my air guitar gives the people in power warm fuzzies,
I'm happy to do it. I'll ask them exactly what type of star they'd like
me to use and exactly where they'd like me to apply it, and while they
were busy figuring that out I'll be busy working hard to get a few
million more air guitar users.
Being a majority protects people from assaults.
(...because that worked so well in Warsaw, Godwinbergheimgrad, etc.)
- You tolerate a dangerous,
beast like luke-jr
- You continuously promote a "profit over people" line of thinking
- and on and on.
So, get fucked, the both of you. Take Garzik and luke-monster with you.
You will be superseded, and your control lost as tears in falling rain.
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