:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Call for material!
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Skribent: Amir Taaki
Til: unsystem
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] Call for material!
did you read the section of the darkwallet.unsystem.net called we dont
have to cooperate with control freaks?

On 01/11/13 18:15, Jason King wrote:
> I don't think anyone is advocating explaining ourselves to the
> legacy power structure. And I also understand that IS what the
> Bitcoin Foundation is currently engaged in. My point is that is
> ultimately only detrimental to the bitcoin foundation. It is
> irrelevant to anything being done here. In fact, you can probably
> make the argument that the futility they participate in by
> engageing regulators is actually keeping the spotlight off all the
> other work being done.
> It doesn't have to be us vs them. It is my opinion that engaging in
> this manner only strengthen peoples view of the power they have.
> People don't rally against the irrelevant.
> Where as just doing what needs to be done, and concentrating on
> spreading the work that is being done, is more beneficial and
> productive than pointing fingers ever could be.
> They use fear. We don't have to.
> Just my .02btc
> Jason
> On Nov 1, 2013 11:50 AM, "Cody R Wilson" <codywilson@???
> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>> wrote:
> All,
> I'm willing to write a longer piece for the magazine, an open
> letter, anything if that is what is called for. I know
> darkwallet.unsystem.net <http://darkwallet.unsystem.net> has more
> direct criticism, but the message in my video toward the
> foundation is toward a particular way of thinking- one featuring
> our old friend ideology.
> In talking about the foundation I visuals from Orson Welle's film
> adaption of Kafka's /The Trial/. Joseph K's chief naivete
> throughout his engagement with the state is his sense that he can
> both make a clear account of himself and his life and resolve his
> situation in a way that the process would understand as resolved.
> The beautiful and terrible irony is that it is K's earnest
> participation that renders him a more visible subject of power. No
> account matters. It is the cooperation, the desire for discipline,
> that leads to his execution.
> In this way I believe the video is gentle and honest in its
> criticism. Asking for permission from and trying to explain
> yourself to the legacy powers has only one end.
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???
> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>> wrote:
> Vitalik, this is the story we need to get out:
> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=322483
> one of cooperation and mutual solidarity between competitors
> finding middle ground to make effective use of resources. this is
> the power and beauty of openness.
>> Thank you Jason, very solid argument. I'm not in favor of
>> burning bridges myself; there are many great people in the
>> foundation (eg. Elizabeth for one, and even Jon Matonis has
>> publicly written
> articles
>> praising System D on numerous occasions), and we should work
> with them
>> to make the foundation better. I looked at the Dark Wallet
> thread inside
>> the foundation forums, and many people are excited about it.
> There is
>> absolutely no reason why we need to reject potential friends.
>> I will consider writing an article myself over the next few
> days or
>> weeks, unless someone else wishes to take this responsibility.
>> On 11/01/2013 10:37 AM, Jason King wrote:
>>> To The Crew,
>>> I don't get near enough time to add to the conversation here.
> That's
>> too bad, I am so in awe of the work that is being done here
> and would
>> love to contribute more.
>>> I first want to congratulate everyone on the indiegogo
> campaign. The
>> initial showing for the fundraiser is quite impressive. I have
> no doubt
>> you will exceed your financial goals on this. I donated.
>>> But I can't help but feel you are sacrificing a much larger
> community
>> impact by not having a more plain words description of the
> benefits of
>> dark wallet. The video is beautiful, well constructed, and
> moving. It
>> does exactly what it was intended to do. I was moved, I agree
> with it's
>> message...I am also /already on this mailing list. /
>>> / / The indiegogo campaign has 133 contributors, that is not a
> battalion,
>> much less an army. And my feeling is that if the contributor
> list was
>> public I would already be familiar with most of the names on
> the list.
>> People that are already, publicly, aligned with the goals
> stated by this
>> campaign. Dark Wallet and the other ideals championed by this
> group are
>> important and necessary to EVERYBODY. Even the people that
> don't know it
>> yet. And the marketing campaign, in it's current form, is not
> digestible
>> to a large part of the community.
>>> Maybe that's the plan. Maybe you are trying to weed out
>>> certain
>> classes. But that, seems at odds with the ideals expressed here.
>>> I'm not saying to stop what you are doing, at all. I'm saying
> I think
>> there is a great force multiplier to be had by having an
> additional,
>> stripped down version of the message that focuses on just the
> technical
>> benefits of the platform as it is being proposed. The benefits
>> are obvious. They do not need political overtone, fear, or
>> anarchist galvanization to stand on their own merits.
>>> Why wouldn't you want trustless mixing?
>>> Why wouldn't you want to have alternative full wallet
> implementations
>> free of qt and bitcoind?
>>> Why wouldn't you want a more distributed group of developers
> working
>> on Bitcoin?
>>> Isn't the whole point of Bitcoin to do away with single point
>>> of failure?
>>> These ideas are powerful, very powerful. The work you are
> doing IS THE
>> REVOLUTION. The revolution does not need a trumpeter next to
> it saying,
>>> I propose, sometime in the next few weeks, before the
> campaign ends,
>> you run a piece entitled "Shedding Light on Dark Wallet" that
>> just explains all the benefits that Dark Wallet can offer, in
>> very
> plain
>> terms. Just a clean, well put together, article or video that
> explains
>> the offering you are building. Completely free of any other
> ancillary
>> benefit or protection this technology may offer. I think you
> will be
>> shocked at how well something like that will be received.
>>> When you have been breathing smog, oxygen needs no hype man.
>>> And you say you need work, not ideas. If you guys are
> interested in
>> putting something like that together, I would be privileged to
> help
>> create it and promote it. And I think it will probably shake a
> few more
>> talented workers out of the woodwork.
>>> At the end of the day, do we want...
>>> To say fuck the US? Or to build the tools that will protect
> everyone
>> from their grasp?
>>> To say fuck the Bitcoin Foundation? Or use them as a speed
> bump to
>> dance with regulators, while we build the infrastructure that
> makes the
>> regulators and the foundation irrelevant?
>>> To say this world is fucked? Or do the work that makes it
>>> better.
>>> I realize I juxtaposed "you" and "we" a lot here. That's
> because I
>> recognize that I have really done nothing to push this forward
> so far,
>> "you" have. But I feel so close to the ideal here, it's hard
> to not see
>> myself in it. I hope you guys will forgive me grammar
> indiscretions. I
>> am in awe of you all.
>>> Thank you so much for what you do.
>>> Jason King Sean's Outpost
>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Tristan Winters
>> <tristan_winters@???
> <mailto:tristan_winters@hotmail.com>
> <mailto:tristan_winters@hotmail.com
> <mailto:tristan_winters@hotmail.com>>> wrote:
>>> They are referring to this:
>> http://www.forbes.com/fdc/welcome_mjx.shtml
>>> The foundation did not get 9 million dollars. But as soon as
>>> the above company got VC backed, they became a
>> "Gold Member" of the foundation.
>>> And the foundation got a large number of Bitcoins in that
> way.
>>> Anyway, this has clearly touched a nerve in the
> community. The
>> crowd-funding 24hr response shows that.
>>> On 1 Nov 2013, at 2:25 pm, Amir Taaki <genjix@???
> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>
>> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>>> wrote:
>>>> this article is head in the clouds laa dee da that does
> not fit
>> the reality.
>>>> first of all bitcoin foundation should not be involved in
>> development of
>>>> bitcoin if that are interacting with the state. that
> means not
>> paying
>>>> salaries to people who exert undue influence over the
> protocol.
>>>> if they choose to continue to be involved with bitcoin
>> development then
>>>> they should also support dark wallet, electrum, and
> hive (which
>> are now
>>>> combining as one project pooling our efforts).
>>>> if they want to be involved in development, then the
> role should
>> be in
>>>> establishing a neutral space (which i have not seen be
> done and
>> have no
>>>> confidence will be done). i want to see more stick.
> I've seen
>> some cliquey
>>>> and sneaky behaviour coming from bitcoind devs. multiple
>> instances of
>>>> top-down commands (evoking that power when not
> neccessary) or
>> shutting
>>>> down debate over contentious issues.
>>>> twice i contacted the foundation over issues where I
> was being
>> unfairly
>>>> placed at a disadvantage as a dev because of office
> politics
>> (being taken
>>>> off mailing lists .etc) but they refused to intervene.
> they are
>> paying
>>>> salaries of devs. I would have words if someone I was
> working
>> with was
>>>> acting like a cunt.
>>>> I told this to elizabeth already, and she's a force for
> good
>> working on
>>>> bitcoin with pure motives.
>>>> from a journalist friend of ours. he sent me this
> yesterday:
>>>>> Just got a call from the bitcoin foundation. They
> wouldn't go
>> on the
>>>>> record to comment on the article but just kept telling
> me "off
>>> the
>>>>> record" that you lot have no credibility and that a
> much better
>> story is
>>>>> some venture capitalist yesterday investing $9m in
> bitcoin...
>>>> can't stop laughing. ok, where is this 9 million. what
> is it
>> doing? i
>>>> haven't seen any of it yet. they have all the resources,
>> leigitimacy and
>>>> attention but what have they done. they are lost in the
> politics.
>>>> we have donations from many, not 1 rich fascist. how
> will this 9
>> million
>>>> be used. the money from the community will go far, be
> collectively
>>>> managed in a multisig and be used well. we don't waste
> 9 million
>>> on
>>>> lawyers giving to people part of the state apparatus.
>>>> why don't they go on record and back up their words?
>>>> godspeed :) today we finally forced an important issue in
>> bitcoin to the
>>>> forefront. this is where we will make our stand for
> freedom and
>>> our
>>>> values. great job cody for his mastermind work here.
>>>>> The video is so fucken crazy. Thank God you're a force
> for good.
>>>>> Another time and place you could work for the propaganda
>> ministry of some
>>>>> Eastern Block country. :)
>>>>> Check this out also, it's a balanced piece doing the
> rounds:
> http://techliberation.com/2013/10/31/bitcoin-is-going-mainstream-here-is-why-cypherpunks-shouldnt-worry/
>>>>> On 1 Nov 2013, at 2:01 pm, Cody R Wilson
> <codywilson@??? <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>
>> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>>>
> wrote:
>>>>>> I'd like to thank everyone on this list especially
> for the
>> tremendous
>>>>>> response the Dark Wallet campaign received yesterday.
> Within
>> 24 hours we
>>>>>> received just over 25k USD in combined contributions.
> Share
>> the video if
>>>>>> you haven't already. It seems to be popularizing the
> spirit of
>> crypto.
>>>>>> There is demand!
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Amir Taaki
> <genjix@??? <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>
>> <mailto:genjix@riseup.net <mailto:genjix@riseup.net>>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> We're doing a crowd funding campaign for DarkWallet soon. I'm
> looking
>>> for any material (especially from people here) that we can
> weave into
>>> a tapestry of our vision and ideals.
>>> How we are thinking, what we are working towards, what
> interests us, ...
>>> Articles, videos, images, forum posts, ... anything. We want
>>> to present something to the people
>>> * It's not only about the 'black market' but tools for the
> people, the
>>> limitations and the monopoly of money / economy. * Tools like
>>> DarkWallet are your own financial system, a free
> financial
>>> system. * It's important to talk about independence and
>>> community
> (organising
>>> together). * Everything from petrol, food, computers, even our
>>> health is manipulated. * Finance is one aspect, but we need to
>>> take back control of more things. * Silk Road: $1.2 billion
>>> market, 2 murders, >2 years. DPR is
> a hero.
>>> Compare that with something like producing rice and all the
> people
>>> that die. * More simply: ** Bitcoin = amazing scifi. The
>>> blockchain is incredible. ** No technical limitations. The
>>> limitations are human
> limitations.
>>> ** We will have all the tools, but we need the community. *
>>> Bitcoin Foundation has a lot of money, all the legitimacy
> but they do
>>> nothing. They are lost in the politics, but aren't thinking
> of serving
>>> the people. * We are here now working with the future in mind.
>>> These
> things take
>>> time and are slow. Maybe 5 years from now all these crazy
> concepts
>>> become reality. ** Bitcoin is still young. ** It's also about
>>> the internet. ** Bitcoin is something new but immensely
>>> powerful.
>>>>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
>>>>>> mailing list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>>> -- Sincerely,
>>>>>> Cody R. Wilson codywilson@???
>>>>>> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>
> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>>
>>>>>> The University of Texas School of Law Class of 2014
>>>>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
>>>>>> mailing list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
>>>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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>>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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>>> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> -- Sincerely,
> Cody R. Wilson codywilson@???
> <mailto:codywilson@utexas.edu>
> The University of Texas School of Law Class of 2014
> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
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