:: Re: [unSYSTEM] [Fwd] Who takes free…
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Data: 2013-10-31 11:43 -000
Dla: unsystem
Temat: Re: [unSYSTEM] [Fwd] Who takes free software to new heights?
yeah cool, and list darkwallet.unsystem.net as the Bitcoin website
instead of bitcoin.org :D

On 31/10/13 10:18, Jaromil wrote:
> dear hackers,
> what about nominating Satoshi Nakamoto?
> this award business is decadent anyway, having our mysterious
> programmer would just rock it better than anything else...
> ----- Forwarded message -----
> Is there someone who you think has advanced the progress of free
> software, someone you think of as a free software hero? How about a
> great project that uses free software principles, like copyleft or
> free culture, to benefit society? Now is your chance to nominate
> them for a Free Software Award.
> Don't delay, nominations are due on November 6. To nominate an
> individual for the Award for the Advancement of Free Software or a
> project for the Award for Projects of Social Benefit, send your
> nomination along with a description of the project or individual to
> [1]award-nominations@???.
> The free software movement is powered by dedicated individuals and
> has fostered many incredible projects that are making a difference
> in the world with the help of free software tools and principles.
> You can read more about the awards and past winners in our
> [2]official announcement.
> What are you waiting for? Take a few minutes to give props to
> people and projects that have changed the world. Your nominations
> will be reviewed by our awards committee and the winners will be
> announced at [3]LibrePlanet 2014.
> Award for the Advancement of Free Software
> The Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free
> Software is presented annually by FSF president Richard Stallman to
> an individual who has made a great contribution to the progress and
> development of free software, through activities that accord with
> the spirit of free software.
> Award for Projects of Social Benefit
> Nominations are also open for the 2013 Award for Projects of
> Social Benefit.
> This award is presented to the project or team responsible for
> applying free software, or the ideas of the free software movement,
> to a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society
> in other aspects of life.
> We look to recognize projects or teams that encourage collaboration
> to accomplish social tasks. A long-term commitment to one's project
> (or the potential for a long-term commitment) is crucial to this
> end.
> This award stresses the use of free software in the service of
> humanity. We have deliberately chosen this broad criterion so that
> many different areas of activity can be considered. However, one
> area that is not included is that of free software itself. Projects
> with a primary goal of promoting or advancing free software are not
> eligible for this award, though we honor those projects with our
> annual Award for the Advancement of Free Software.
> We will consider any project or team that uses free software or
> the philosophy of software freedom to address a goal important to
> society. To qualify, a project must use free software, produce free
> documentation, or use the idea of free software as defined in the
> Free Software Definition. Work done commercially is eligible, but
> we will give this award to the project or team that best utilizes
> resources for society's greater benefit.
> Nomination Requirements
> In the case of both awards, previous winners are not eligible for
> nomination, but renomination of other previous nominees is
> encouraged. Only individuals are eligible for nomination for the
> Advancement of Free Software Award, and only projects can be
> nominated for the Social Benefit Award.
> Award recipients will be chosen by a committee of previous winners
> and FSF president Richard Stallman.
> Please send your nominations to [4]award-nominations@???, no
> later than Wednesday, November 6, 2013. Please submit nominations
> in the following format:
> * In the email message subject line, either put the name of the
> person you are nominating for the Award for Advancement of Free
> Software, or put the name of the project for the Award for Projects
> of Social Benefit.
> * Please include, in the body of your message, an explanation
> (forty lines or less) of the work done and why you think it is
> especially important to the advancement of free software or how it
> benefits society, respectively.
> * Please state, in the body of your message, where to find the
> materials (e.g., software, manuals, or writing) which your
> nomination is based on.
> Information about the previous awards can be found at
> [5]https://www.fsf.org/awards. Winners will be announced at an
> awards ceremony at the [6]LibrePlanet conference, tentatively
> scheduled for March 2014, in Boston, Massachusetts.
> Sincerely,
> Libby Reinish Campaigns Manager
> -- Follow us at [7]https://status.fsf.org/fsf | Subscribe to our
> blogs via RSS at [8]http://fsf.org/blogs/RSS Join us as an
> associate member at [9]http://fsf.org/jf
> Sent from the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street Fifth
> Floor Boston, MA 02110-1335 United States
> You can unsubscribe to this mailing-list by visiting the link
> [10]https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/mailing/unsubscribe?reset=1&jid=128693&qid=5600071&h=228b143a49b5018f.
> To stop all email from the Free Software Foundation, including
> Defective by Design, and the Free Software Supporter newsletter,
> click this link:
> [11]https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/mailing/optout?reset=1&jid=128693&qid=5600071&h=228b143a49b5018f.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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