:: [unSYSTEM] [Fwd] Who takes free sof…
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Szerző: Jaromil
Dátum: 2013-10-31 09:18 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: [unSYSTEM] [Fwd] Who takes free software to new heights?

dear hackers,

what about nominating Satoshi Nakamoto?

this award business is decadent anyway, having our mysterious programmer
would just rock it better than anything else...

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Is there someone who you think has advanced the progress of free software,
someone you think of as a free software hero? How about a great project
that uses free software principles, like copyleft or free culture, to
benefit society? Now is your chance to nominate them for a Free Software

Don't delay, nominations are due on November 6. To nominate an individual
for the Award for the Advancement of Free Software or a project for the
Award for Projects of Social Benefit, send your nomination along with a
description of the project or individual to [1]award-nominations@???.

The free software movement is powered by dedicated individuals and has
fostered many incredible projects that are making a difference in the
world with the help of free software tools and principles. You can read
more about the awards and past winners in our [2]official announcement.

What are you waiting for? Take a few minutes to give props to people and
projects that have changed the world. Your nominations will be reviewed by
our awards committee and the winners will be announced at [3]LibrePlanet

Award for the Advancement of Free Software

The Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software is
presented annually by FSF president Richard Stallman to an individual who
has made a great contribution to the progress and development of free
software, through activities that accord with the spirit of free software.

Award for Projects of Social Benefit

Nominations are also open for the 2013 Award for Projects of Social

This award is presented to the project or team responsible for applying
free software, or the ideas of the free software movement, to a project
that intentionally and significantly benefits society in other aspects of

We look to recognize projects or teams that encourage collaboration to
accomplish social tasks. A long-term commitment to one's project (or the
potential for a long-term commitment) is crucial to this end.

This award stresses the use of free software in the service of humanity.
We have deliberately chosen this broad criterion so that many different
areas of activity can be considered. However, one area that is not
included is that of free software itself. Projects with a primary goal of
promoting or advancing free software are not eligible for this award,
though we honor those projects with our annual Award for the Advancement
of Free Software.

We will consider any project or team that uses free software or the
philosophy of software freedom to address a goal important to society. To
qualify, a project must use free software, produce free documentation, or
use the idea of free software as defined in the Free Software Definition.
Work done commercially is eligible, but we will give this award to the
project or team that best utilizes resources for society's greater

Nomination Requirements

In the case of both awards, previous winners are not eligible for
nomination, but renomination of other previous nominees is encouraged.
Only individuals are eligible for nomination for the Advancement of Free
Software Award, and only projects can be nominated for the Social Benefit

Award recipients will be chosen by a committee of previous winners and FSF
president Richard Stallman.

Please send your nominations to [4]award-nominations@???, no later
than Wednesday, November 6, 2013. Please submit nominations in the
following format:

     * In the email message subject line, either put the name of the person
       you are nominating for the Award for Advancement of Free Software, or
       put the name of the project for the Award for Projects of Social

     * Please include, in the body of your message, an explanation (forty
       lines or less) of the work done and why you think it is especially
       important to the advancement of free software or how it benefits
       society, respectively.

     * Please state, in the body of your message, where to find the materials
       (e.g., software, manuals, or writing) which your nomination is based

Information about the previous awards can be found at
[5]https://www.fsf.org/awards. Winners will be announced at an awards
ceremony at the [6]LibrePlanet conference, tentatively scheduled for March
2014, in Boston, Massachusetts.


Libby Reinish
Campaigns Manager

Follow us at [7]https://status.fsf.org/fsf | Subscribe to our blogs via
RSS at [8]http://fsf.org/blogs/RSS
Join us as an associate member at [9]http://fsf.org/jf

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