:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The law of the free
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Skribent: Benjamin Cordes
Dato: 2013-10-29 19:05 -000
Til: System undo crew
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] The law of the free
No need to troll here. If you have experience using Bitcoin, which I assume
you do if you float opinions, you pay a fee. First of all there is a tiny
mining fee, which goes to professional miners. You can call them names the
whole day, but they support the network. Then you have another fee which
goes to exchanges. It is around 0.50% in the best case. Instead of paying
0.50% to a corporation located in Japan you could pay the same fee to a
public source, which has a lock-in to support the network. So, sure,
Bitcoin is very free in your mind, but if there is also this thing called
reality. It's very interesting to me, that some who say Bitcoin is perfect
are very quick to defend the same kind of structures they so decry.
Rational thought requires weighing arguments.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 7:56 PM, Mike Gogulski <mike@???> wrote:

> On 10/29/2013 01:46 PM, aimee@??? wrote:
> > I declare that I have paid Amir 500bitcoins which equates to 1500AU
> > and he declares on his tax that he was paid 500 bitcoins which
> > equates to 2000pound...
> Or he doesn't declare "his" tax, and you don't declare your payment, and
> the bastards Amir mentioned toward whom all money flows get nothing.
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