:: Re: [unSYSTEM] The law of the free
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Skribent: Amir Taaki
Dato: 2013-10-25 09:41 -000
Til: unsystem
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] The law of the free
I feel like I can say more but it won't stop if I keep writing. Got to
actually work :)

On 25/10/13 13:39, Amir Taaki wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YR4CseY9pk
> "I don't have a flicker of doubt. This is the end. This is the time
> to wake up."
> So to summarise, we have a dire situation which just cannot go on.
> We are approaching break-neck levels in the destruction of the
> environment. Our global ecosystem is being dangerously unbalanced,
> global diversity is flat-lining and the life that is thiving are
> pests and parasites on humans. This is not some joke. It is the
> reality we have to deal with now.
> Our breaucratic system is expanding. Year on year, the political
> class grows bigger. The military is expanded with bigger budgets,
> and more secretive proxy wars. The language thrown about has veiled
> undertones of self interest packaged as serving the public
> interest. And as the politicos grow, more controls and limits are
> implemented.
> On the flip side, we are making some generational leaps. The
> internet has brought us a new front in the battle for freedom, and
> in this age of hearts and minds, we are winning. Never before in
> history, have we, the people, had such a fighting chance. Always
> the same story of the cathedral imposing its frames on top of and
> against the will of the bazaar. The people must seize this moment
> and construct the change we want to see.
> The economy teteers upon dangerous instability. Money put into big
> banks goes to invest in derivatives on Wall Street instead of
> serving needs of the local community. The flow of money is towards
> power. Resources, wealth, profit and money all are serving the same
> gangsters and extortionists who wage wars, implement controls,
> regiment your life, and herd us around while wearing an array of
> standardised clown costumes. Jackbooted boys in blue who will stomp
> your face because "it's their job".
> Look at this bullshit:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_mass_surveillance_disclosures
> When the Snowden leaks first came out, I thought it was cool that
> this was now fact and not conspiracy. Hackers had been saying this
> stuff happens for years, but nobody really listened or believed it.
> But with every week, and the new revelations from Snowden coming
> out, it gets crazier and crazier and crazier. And just when you
> think it can't get even more mental, it does. We just heard this
> last week that the NSA recorded 70.3 million french phone calls in
> 30 days. In fact, in one document the NSA was even lamenting that
> they're reaching the limits of their storage capacity (!) and need
> to make more targetted searching of citizens using intelligent
> software.
> Why exactly are people being spied on? Who do they think the enemy
> is?
> Take a look at the 3 pictures from an NSA presentation on tracking
> iPhones:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_mass_surveillance_disclosures#Infiltration_of_smartphones
> First slide: "Who knew in 1984..." (picture of 1984 movie)
> Second slide:"...that this would be big brother..." (picture of
> steve jobs with an iPhone)
> Third slide:"...and the Zombies would be paying customers?"
> (picture of normal people smiling holding iphones)
> Now this is just ridiculous. The presentation is brazenly taking
> the piss out of US citizens, calling them zombies. If you can tell
> me how this relates to Islamic terrorists, then I really must
> know.
> These leaks are a gift. Cameron, the UK prime minister, has been
> calling for a criminal investigation against the Guardian and
> police have been raiding their offices, seizing hard drives and
> harassing journalists at airports. Even myself I've been questioned
> by police, solicited by undercovers into doing stuff, been black
> listed from banks with my accounts closed and they tried to recruit
> me once to join them.
> Now I'm not here to berate the role of security, and propose that
> our world becomes every man for himself. Quite the opposite. I
> think our needs must be integrated within more complete framework.
> How can we move production locally? Can we source of food
> regionally? Can we allocate resources on a local level to provide
> services rather than relying on national governers (local resources
> -> local -> regional -> national -> local investment)? And maybe
> our health can be more personal and preventative? And security too
> can be done better.
> And then there's Cameron, complaining how bad of Facebook that
> there are videos of Saudi beheadings and that something must be
> done. Motherfucker. Maybe you should stop supporting that fascist
> regime and then there wouldn't be beheadings instead of trying to
> cover up the evidence. And this is from a country where already the
> internet is blocking pornography by default. You must call the
> company, show ID and fill in forms "errmm,... yeah I'd erm, like to
> take off my, erm, porn filter?...". How many people are going to do
> that, and how many people are just going to passively accept the
> creeping censorship and control? Note this is from a country with
> an odious history of internet censorship, like with the
> implementation of the blacklist by a government quango (fake
> charity) that has no public oversight of its activities (and it's
> completely secret organisation). The blacklist at first was because
> of the children, but it soon expanded to stop "hate speech" and now
> the PirateBay is blocked too.
> http://boards.420chan.org/detox/
> I was shocked when reading this. Employers and schools in the US
> are mandatorily testing people's bodies for substances. This is
> going too far. It's not about having something to hide. It's about
> the fact that you're a slave and being controlled. Even if you
> don't take drugs, whose right is it to force you to undergo testing
> on your person and threaten you with a loss of income if you don't
> match their specifications. Sure, they have this right, but this
> isn't the world I want to live in.
> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/10/23/1218253/white-house-official-tracked-down-and-fired-over-insulting-tweets
> This is insane. Some diplomat is saying stuff on Twitter. The
> Obama administration went to huge lengths to discover this guy's
> identity: "After a probe that included an investigation into
> Joseph’s travel and shopping patterns – parsed from over 2,000
> tweets...". They were spying on his shopping habits, tracking his
> travel patterns, probably also looking at his payment history, ...
> This is scary and disturbing stuff that he was found out. To
> discover his identity took some illegal and unethical breaches of
> personal privacy. But this goes on and on everyday.
> Just to get a guy saying stuff on Twitter. So petty.
> It's clear things must change. And looking up will not change
> anything for so long as we keep seeking central authorities to
> resolve our issues, we are going to be put into isolated boxes
> separate from one another. The clear way forwards is collective and
> community action.
> The power of Bitcoin is being able to build contracts based on
> mathematics, not law between parties. Maybe you can put up
> collateral, reputation or insurance (from an insurer that the
> counterparty is willing to accept). you can use escrow as an
> arbitrer for dispute mediation .etc There are even people on the
> BitcoinTalk forums lending out money at 0%, investing in cool
> projects and lending based on feel of the person (rather than
> collateral, reputation or insurance).
> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=276416.0
> We can link up communities where the people don't know each other.
> Instead of people looking up to a central authority to provide
> basic services, we can become self organised. This is the aim of
> the Catalan Cooperative which wants to provide basic local services
> that are better than the state's using the structure of a
> cooperative to shield its internal economy (education, health,
> housing, transport, energy, food, space, ...). Instead of looking
> up to the state and in return people being put into isolated
> boxes, instead we can make something more powerful.
> unSYSTEM mission: people, community and passion.
> Before we always tried to have OpenSource hardware, but it was
> difficult because of the real costs involved to prefab stuff, buy
> the parts, mistakes, .etc Now with Bitcoin there are lists of
> people offering basic components, aggregate of components and end
> products on an open and highly competitive market. And it works!
> Right now it's only for mining, but the funding model has nothing
> perculiar that lends itself especially to any single class of
> hardware.
> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=192860
> We're about to start a crowd funding campaign starting with a
> basic premise to build a Bitcoin wallet:
> http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/currency/2013/09/dark-wallet-bitcoin.html?mobify=0
> http://libbitcoin.dyne.org/darkwallet/
> We have a passionate team of people who believe in creating tools
> for the people (as embodied in the unsystem mission of people,
> community and passion). It starts with a simple premise, but we
> will expand to encompass a wide range of p2p, crypto and opensource
> infrastructure.
> You see the blockchain doesn't start and end with Bitcoin. It is a
> technological gift that is bringing about new research and
> interesting developments. It's still too early to know exactly how
> they will play out and what the final form will look like, but it's
> definitely the edge of where things are heading.
> * Distributed identity (auth with services/websites, e.g
> auto-login, without needing password) * Distributed reputation (not
> connected to your real-world identity). * Distributed encrypted
> communication (anti-spam proof by design, can be like a Facebook
> stream, see BitMessage or FlowingMail.com) * Decentralised issuing
> of tradeable assets (BitShares, MasterCoin or Colored Coins).
> MasterCoin recently raised $500k from random donations on the
> BitcoinTalk forums. * Semi-persistant distributed storage via DHT
> network and embedded hashes in the blockchain. We can have a fast
> encrypted web better than freenet and fast. ... more is possible,
> still being discovered everyday.
> We want to use the money to invest mainly in creating spaces and
> infrastructure rather than paying salaries. Create a way for
> people who believe in something to make their ideas happen - it
> isnt only about programming but everything we want to combine
> together.
> Also we can use this as a support network to fulfill the needs of
> people involved in unSYSTEM and think how to support good projects.
> I was reading the FAQ for Mailpile (a project to make simple
> webmail software) which was raising $100k.
> http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mailpile-taking-e-mail-back
> "After all costs and taxes, that's about $2091 each. Renting a
> small apartment in Reykjavík costs around $1000 a month and a beer
> is about $7 at a bar, so you can see how fast this money slips
> away."
> What a waste! Instead I believe it's more productive to invest
> that into creating a battery of small business, supporting people
> working on cool projects we want to see happen and investing in
> spaces (buying land, construction, .etc) so that we all can have a
> place to work, sleep and throw events/parties.
> Every month giving away all that money, and you have a landlord
> and restrictions on your freedom. The thing I like about Calafou is
> that you can have sex on the roofs, piss in the bushes and play
> loud music. There is huge amounts of space everywhere for you to do
> whatever you want. We are animals inside. Humans aren't meant to
> live doing 9-5, mandatory testing, forms, bills, blaa blaa. We're
> meant to be with a group of people, doing cool stuff, being happy.
> It seems inescapable, like you can't try and dissect it, and you
> can only try to exist outside of it like a cockroach.
> Or we can start a movement. If our way is better, and it works then
> it grows. We can use Bitcoin and other crypto/p2p/opensource tools
> to build community and the world we want to see happen. We can
> gather resources and put them towards what we imagine instead of
> complaining about Facebook's privacy policy to the EU parliament or
> voting for the state to change.
> Too many Bitcoin developers are focused on Bitcoin as a cheaper
> payments mechanism to make their lives more convenient, but I feel
> this is like looking at the totality of the internet as simply a
> tool to make shopping easier. It's worth so much more!
> Mike Hearn recently did a talk about autonomous agents at the
> Turing institute. In it he lays out a fantastical (and distant)
> future scenario of flying vending machines and
> self-spawning/self-driving taxis. He tells the story of Jane who
> walks up a hill and is thirsty so she orders a quadrocopter to come
> deliver her a coke from the nearby village. This stuff is so remote
> and unreal that it isn't really worth our energy thinking about.
> Maybe it will happen in some form, but not how we're imagining.
> Instead we need real tools for real people. What are the needs of
> people now? How can we serve them?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu4PAMFPo5Y
> But this is the mentality we face:
> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=306331.msg3286594#msg3286594
> http://postimg.org/image/byd0d8v3x/
> Now with the Wikileaks film (read that trash script) and the Silk
> Road movie (which will also be crap) the fascists are controlling
> the dialogue. The continuing agenda is polluting the minds of
> people, and this is trash culture that is furthering the situation.
> Yesterday I saw some little girl watching a Disney TV programme
> which was basically just 15 mins of propaganda inserting vanity and
> trivialities into a young mind.
> But blame and finger pointing is unproductive. Fighting is counter
> productive. Instead better is to construct superior alternatives
> and place them on the open market. As Patrick Strateman once said
> to me: "making a business is one of the most subversive things you
> can do". The status quo hates competition. Especially when things
> get comfortable and cosy, and the status quo starts to enforce its
> position through coercion and force.
> We mustn't let the fact that the FBI inserted an undercover
> operative (read the court papers which explicitly state this) taint
> our discussion around the Silk Road. Now it's all about Ross
> Ulbricht, the hitman, not about the ethics of the Silk Road or the
> cost/sustainability of drug prohibition. By falling into this
> trap, they have set the frame and control the dialogue.
> Anyway, think about it. You want to do a cool project. Oh... you
> need to pay rent though. People take crap jobs, get a crap place.
> They want better pay, become coopted, working on tracking or iphone
> toys. Instead of working on worthwhile stuff they want to do.
> Slowly the rationalisation takes over: "well I'm making stuff
> people pay for so the market wants it so it's good for the world" -
> yeah don't delude yourself. You're in it for money and that's
> that.
> On 25/10/13 07:09, osirisx@??? wrote:
>> "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
>> entrails of the last priest."
>> Diderot, author of L'Encyclopédie
>> Modern civilization is shaped by paper documents we called the
>> law. We got rid of kings. But what do laws mean today?
>> Consultants, lobbyists, corporations write the law. The capacity
>> of the human being to think and to understand is extremely
>> limited. The world of politics and media is a circus we are not
>> concerned with. We are concerned with the future.
>> What is the law? The fundamental rules we agree on. We have to
>> understand history and praise the very few who had the right
>> principles and a clear mind.
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>> list: http://unsystem.net
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> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem

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Abolish the NSA