:: Re: [Bricolabs] who needs skype whe…
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Skribent: alejo
Dato: 2013-10-22 11:06 -000
Til: Bricolabs
Emne: Re: [Bricolabs] who needs skype when brico is everywhere
Quoting Jaromil <jaromil@???>:

> there is this wonderful thing called Mumble that runs on
> every computer system and you can install the server without many
> problems and run it on your own. or for instance we offer this free one
> http://www.dyne.org/free-speech-mumble/

for radiolibre i had compiled mumble with jack support few months
ago.. so, to be able to relay any mumble activity to icecast via what
else? darkice and qjackctrl:


have also installed libflashplayer for tailoring quick youtube
playlists that can feed the radio programs.

problem is, how comfortable is people using skype or now google
hangouts to stream? Indeed hangouts are simple and offer that
"feature" archival, or better, a method for cooptation called youtube.
hard to beat although i think it all depends on what you stream, when,
where and to whom.

btw, was great to catch&hear your homeboy radio program yesterday :)
