:: Re: [unSYSTEM] on violence and kill…
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Fecha: 2013-10-05 11:47 -000
A: System undo crew
Temas nuevos: [unSYSTEM] on libertarianism
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] on violence and killing
Before Bitcoin, I didn't know what a libertarian was and thought they
thought something completely different. The lines bleed so much that
the distinction is almost worthless. Probably the best libertarian
business model is the cooperative. Each worker has shares in the
company, and insurance to protect against volatility. The insurance
could be an investment scheme run by the cooperative for its members.
This is like a city muncipality that creates its own bank for the city
which invests in the local community rather than derivatives.

New times ahead :)

On 05/10/13 13:38, Amir Taaki wrote:
> I'm for cultural diversity, and want to empower freedom of
> thought. I'm against forcing anyone to adear to any kind of
> pinciples. Thought evolves and culture changes.
> However if anyone with power attacks free thought then I'm not
> against defending that: "I'll defend your right to disagree with me
> to the death."
> Not every situation is the same, and we can't be dogmatic at how
> we're thinking (take in evidence, re-evaluate situations, develop
> our emotional understanding), but my principles are currently along
> this line. I see lots of people coming along this line
> simultaneously from different angles which is really interesting,
> but the NAP is baloney.
> We are making the language and new descriptions of this time. Once
> we move on from all these dividing ideologies with little boxes
> onto values, and ethics then we can unite and grow as a culture.
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