:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Dark Wallet: A Radic…
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Συντάκτης: Mark Lamb
Ημερομηνία: 2013-10-03 15:37 -000
Προς: System undo crew
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] Dark Wallet: A Radical Way To Bitcoin
Responding to Robert's comment:
Ghandi was a mysoginist
Martin Luther King Jr cheated on his wife several times with white women
Satoshi has some probably really dark/screwed-up stuff in his past too that
people would dig up if his identity was made known to the public

Everyone has done terrible things, but the ideas are what last. I'd rather
remember the DPR by the ideas he put forth, not by the terrible stuff.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Jason King <
beinghomelessisnotacrime@???> wrote:

> I think we need to think very hard about the possibility of parallel
> construction before ruling out the government using extraordinary measur to
> shutter silk road.
> Jason
> On Oct 3, 2013 12:30 PM, "Robert Williamson" <bobalot@???> wrote:
>> I have to agree with Vitalik here, I had the impression that DPR was a
>> satoshi-like libertarian, who created something great and profited very
>> well from it.
>> Unfortunately he seems much darker than that, it's likely the two hits he
>> called were people scamming him. But he also solicited undercover agents to
>> torture and murder an "employee".
>> Court docs here, if anyone wants a read. It seems they found him via
>> intercepting an international with fake ids in and looking at forums posts
>> and stackoverflow questions, so it looks like Tor still works... Maybe.
>> http://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~nweaver/UlbrichtCriminalComplaint.pdf
>> Bob
>> On 3 October 2013 12:14, Jason King <beinghomelessisnotacrime@???>wrote:
>>> The reality is, we will probably never know the truth here. I would be
>>> extremely surprised if DPR is ever allowed to explain himself on any of
>>> this. And the very nature of how the Silk Road was run leads to far too
>>> much leeway on the governments part in getting to tell the narrative here.
>>> Look who is telling this story. And think of their credibility and
>>> hypocrisy.
>>> How many drone strikes were ordered just since yesterday?
>>> None of us are perfect. We are all an individual weaving of light and
>>> dark. We all have the capability to do horror and wonder. And very often we
>>> do both. But, there is a concept of innocent until PROVEN guilty.
>>> I think this is a community of people that want proof not hyperbole, no?
>>> Show it to me in the blockchain.
>>> Jason
>>> On Oct 3, 2013 5:51 AM, "Juraj Bednar" <juraj@???> wrote:
>>>> "The consensus so far on the hit is that DPR was scammed. After the
>>>> first dispute with FriendlyChemist, another user named redandwhite
>>>> independently contacted DPR claiming that he was a vendor to whom
>>>> FriendlyChemist owed money. After a bit of back and forth, he got
>>>> $150,000 and DPR got a picture of a “dead” victim. However, Canadian
>>>> authorities say there are no similar homicides or disappearances that
>>>> match the location and timeframe."
>>>> This is clearly very easy to verify - was there or was there not a
>>>> victim? It's a matter for a phonecall for FBI (they may as well have it
>>>> in a fucking shared database). For investigation that was not cheap and
>>>> an effort of lots of people, releasing the "murder" information would
>>>> serve them pretty well, because of the public opinion.
>>>> I don't say he is good or bad and I don't say he did or did not attempt
>>>> to murder anyone, because I don't know. And that's the same for all of
>>>> us on this list, I suppose.
>>>> There's no need to make up our minds yet. The guy that was arrested is
>>>> in custody, the silk road is not functioning and there's not much to do
>>>> about it right now. I guess we can wait three months and then make up
>>>> our minds. It's a much saner choice than to follow each and every bit of
>>>> news (biased one way or another, working with speculation and
>>>> information carefully released, filtered and probably manipulated by the
>>>> FBI).
>>>> Juraj.
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