:: [unSYSTEM] unSYSTEM.net website
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Fecha: 2013-10-02 06:03 -000
Asunto: [unSYSTEM] unSYSTEM.net website
unSYSTEM is now a community: http://unsystem.net/

Congrats; you're all helped birth a new community organisation. Any
proposals we can discuss on the list. If you have anything to offer like
resources or help then introduce yourself. You can also email me privately
if you prefer.

I want to create a support network so small projects can get help from
others in the group (investors, technical, access, space, a voice, ...).
Anyone who wants to be involved in organising and linking others is
needed. I'll try to get the Wiki up soon so there's a way for people to
start producing documentation and records.