:: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin Group Therapy! (…
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Fecha: 2013-08-02 08:58 -000
A: unsystem, crecog
Temas antiguos: Re: [unSYSTEM] cypherpunk central, Berlin, this saturday, 3pm
Asunto: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin Group Therapy! (Re: cypherpunk central, Berlin, this saturday, 3pm)
ha ha cool article:


On 02/08/13 12:50, Amir Taaki wrote:
> Fantastic! I know that me, Mihai, Vitalik and Cody will certainly
> be there doing short show and tells. Hope we can make something
> productive of this meeting. To pan european blockchain eternity!
> And...
> On 02/08/13 07:08, Joerg Platzer wrote:
>> It is great to see all you people who are hanging out here in
>> Berlin right now hang out here in Berlin right now :) and meet,
>> talk, plan and exchange and develop ideas. What a pleasure to be
>> part of this!
>> To add productivity to the partying the following plan came up
>> today:
>> - wel'll meet on saturday, 3pm, at ROOM77 and decide: either
>> stay there, indoors, or take a 20mins stroll up to Tempelhof
>> Airport airfield and gather in the sun.
>> - let's update each other on our ongoing projects and give
>> people with new projects a space to introduce those.
>> - tell, ask, listen: tell us what you are doing, what your
>> project is, or your plans or visions. ask what you wanna ask, ask
>> for what support you believe it takes to turn your plans or
>> visions into reality. listen and learn something or maybe
>> realise, that you can support someone else's efforts easily with
>> your own capabilities or resources.
>> - 5 to 10 minute ad hoc talks followed by short q&a.
>> - continue partying and going further. I heard there's a
>> barbecue going on somewhere ...
>> Spread the word!
>> ++jp _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM
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> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
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