:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coinbase Class 2 Acc…
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Szerző: Mark Lamb
Dátum: 2013-07-11 23:46 -000
Címzett: System undo crew
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Coinbase Class 2 Accounts
Yes the way to remove names and then keep reputation/identity/etc is by
having a decentralised reputation/identity system. Ideally this would be
based on PGP, but the problem with crypto based reputation systems is that
the average user sucks at managing private keys. Managing private keys
isn't at all like managing the files that most people have, since if a
private key is accessed by an attacker or cybercriminal, whatever that
private key gives access to is completely compromised (be it bitcoin
private key or identity private key or whatnot).

Systems that do verification, law, identity, reputation, etc are often
systems that governments have monopolised - but just because governments do
them does not make the activities/services themselved bad. We just need to
create alternatives to that which government does, alternatives that are
better, more privacy/freedom respecting and actually work well (with low
overheads/no costs).

In terms of implementation that helps clueless/non-crypto users,
Blockchain.Info is a good example of something that does not compromise in
terms of security and is extremely easy to use. I would like to see similar
models created for dealing with crypto-freedom software.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:36 PM, JINDQ1 <jindq1@???> wrote:

> I'd love to mock them (because it's easy), but if you want to play the
> game created by old dudes who still think IP address = single person,
> you'll have to follow all the rules.
> The real question is, is being anonymous good for society? I haven't seen
> a single benefit of anonymity (lacking any verification documents) that
> isn't highly outweighed by it's ability to enable abuse. Human beings may
> be nameless, but they're not non-quantifiable. Is there a way to remove the
> names and keep the verifiable quantity that doesn't make the libertarians
> twitch and squirm?
> Matthew
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
> Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???> wrote:
> Thought I'd just mark the occasion. Coinbase is now requiring identity
> documents to verify class 2 account holders.
> Glorious compliance!
> --
> Sincerely,
> Cody R. Wilson
> codywilson@???
> The University of Texas School of Law
> Class of 2014
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