:: Re: [unSYSTEM] No Utopias - Is Ther…
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Autor: Pavol Lupták
Fecha: 2013-07-06 23:35 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] No Utopias - Is There a Way Out?
I am not an anarcho-socialist, but this document is definitely worth to see :


caedes <caedes@???> wrote:
>El 27/06/13 21:57, Adam B. Levine escribió:
>> Yeah +1 to that, well said Amir - Focusing on details and symptoms is
>the path to not getting anything
>done when the problems are all systemic and failure of the system can
>never be allowed at the price of compounding the problems, spreading
>them all over the world instead of being localized as they would in a
>sane environment. What's the point of having redundancy in society and
>culture if failure is only allowed to occur when no force in existence
>can stop it? Just means the failure is that much more horrible, AND
>> Regarding robinhood debt, that works until it doesn't. If the belief
>is the change is required, it is also important to pick battles that
>don't give an obvious reason to put you in jail.
>Tell that to Assange, Manning, Snowden, Satoshi, to countless other ppl
>in risk that we don't even know. They are very aware of the risks, but
>somehow they have decided taking it is well worth it... I wouldn't
>dismiss it just saying "I wouldn't do it.. too risky". Actually,
>at the facts I would say now is very well the best moment to put
>ourselves in risk to change for good, since later risks are going to be
>higher or much higher.
>The case of Enric, not sure you understood it, since in his case robin
>hood debt (500k eur from 60 institutions) was a way to fund building up
>a new economy and society that already far outgrows the initial
>"investment". They also used the money to print a publication all over
>spain called "crisis" in 2008 explaining what was going to happen and
>was starting to happen with global finance, calling for people to wake
>up and giving different ways out (Enric claims as soon as 2005 he could
>see it coming which is why he designed his action as a "desperate" way
>to inflict change and wake up ppl). They study the legal framework to
>work within safe limits or even "within" the system but trying not to
>feed it. Of course now this network doesn't need any robin hood debts
>since its in a way self-sustainable (and growing).
>So you're right that Enric now is a fugitive (has been before too), but
>I don't think he's even worried... just makes it even better. He has
>more time to learn about bitcoin, make plans, and keep his
>network. This guy is a mastermind and has demonstrated his plans work
>out to thousands of people, giving them hope, financial tools and real
>economy, in a proper legal way (not talking about the action with the
>banks here :-)... but he also defends the action is legal and would
>argue for it).. He's put himself in risk, but i'd say is keeping
>thousands of ppl safe right now and happy rebuilding a crippled
>the numbers actually could be a lot bigger since ppl tend to come to us
>when the system fails (of course he didnt do all of this alone this is
>huge network). Any crappy demo has more risk nowadays for the group,
>these people are actually building something, not just crying to
>daddy... you don't hear so much about this in the news (doing fine is
>news), but then, maybe you heard about "Robin Bank" and his action,
>which is why, you can see, its not even really about money. And if
>people knew more about alternatives, where they can build and live a
>productive sustainable life more closer to reality (it's actually
>possible) then they wouldn't just be stacking in cities, burning things
>and feeding corporations and mafias that are doing us no good.
>Not saying we all have to do the same you know, but we have to
>acknowledge different strategies work different ways and usually can
>even work together.
>unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.