:: Re: [unSYSTEM] payment, exchange, a…
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著者: Adam B. Levine
日付: 2013-07-01 21:16 -000
To: System undo crew
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] payment, exchange, and the scope of bitcoin
Have you seen the work being done by Joe
Cascio<http://joecascio.net/joecblog/>to tie reputational,
collateralized identity platform based on bitcoin
public keys.

Adam B. Levine
Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com>
[image: Inline image 2]
Talk to me on Gli.ph, my preferred communications platform

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Andrew Miller <amiller@???> wrote:

> > It is possible to have a reputation system where the impact level of
> > a good/bad review (in case of escrow service) would be influenced also by
> > both sides's reputation (buyer / seller) -> review/feedback of reputable
> buyer
> > would have a bigger impact than a review of seller with no reputation and
> > vice versa. So this will be some kind of accumulated review and can be
> probably
> > better used for escrow services. Everyone in this system would have some
> > "virual karma" of his/her honesty :-)
> To the extent you're describing a decentralized reputation aggregation
> system, sure, I think something like this is possible and really
> desirable! I think a key point is that it's nonsensical to have an
> 'absolute' or 'public' reputation, as that is easy to be sybil
> attacked. Instead, something like Bitcoin-OTC's trust-graphs, where
> inferred trust is a measure between a *pair* of people rather, is
> promising. Lets continue talking about this! This is what the future
> of markets will consist of.
> > BTW, are now any real problems with escrow services (like SilkRoad?) or
> > we are trying to solve purely hypothetical problems? :)
> Well like most centralized systems, everything runs great and
> efficiently until it fails catastrophically. Possible outcomes for
> Bitmit (and silkroad for that matter) are: administrator runs away (or
> gets "hacked") with all the bitcoins in accounts at the time, or
> spammers could start to rake in more money by inflating reputations
> for a fee.
> Shouldn't the goal be to build infrastructure to replace such brittle
> centralized markets with more robust decentralized ones, much as
> Bitcoin is infrastructure for replacing brittle centralized payments?
> --
> Andrew Miller
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