:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Talk about your proj…
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Autore: Johnny Teatent
Data: 2013-06-29 09:01 -000
To: System undo crew
Oggetto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Talk about your project
hey, its Tom, please check out my page.
www.facebook.com/anarchesqueboilerplate , mostly videos of police but the
overall narrative i think is old status quos (security services police
establishment etc) colliding with revolutionary techs,ideas and how they
interact/. its gonna be a printed zine too, but the firstSTORY ARC is the
attempts to infiltrrate new movements and idea, inclding the BTC , iv seen
attention and assets shift from the muthical brick throwing anarchists inot
the technologists, this is in BITCOIN towers, where he have had
hacksuites,. and BItcoin HQs. sounds like you havd a nice project.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 11:34 PM, Adam B. Levine

> Hey everybody,
> Amir alerted me to this list - I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm
> the primary behind Let's Talk Bitcoin! a twice weekly show on the
> philosophy, people and projects powering the cryptocurrencies movement as
> we move towards the future of money. I have other projects too, but that's
> the relevant one - If you've got an interesting project in or tangentially
> related to the space, get in touch with me and I'll probably want to talk
> with you about it on the show. Interviews are informal, conducted over
> skype (please have headphones at least) and are anything from very focused
> deep-dives into technical projects where I ask dumb questions so you
> explain it in a way our audience can understand to wide ranging
> philosophical conversations. All conversations are recorded in advance and
> edited for presentation (removal of umms and ahhs makes everyone sound MUCH
> more professional, often people with very good ideas are not people who can
> deliver a pitch perfect performance live the first time. It is important
> to me that guests are judged based on their ideas rather than their ability
> to be a pundit.
> You can find our first 18 episodes here
> http://letstalkbitcoin.com/tagged/show
> The point of Let's Talk Bitcoin is to be a common platform for people on
> all sides of the issue to say their piece without having the obvious and
> generally important questions go unasked.  If you say something I think is
> bullshit I'll ask you to explain yourself better, if what you're saying
> makes sense to me (if I can follow your logic, which I'm generally pretty
> good at) you can talk about whatever you want.     If you're working on
> something cool, contact me and we'll set up a time to talk.

> Adam B. Levine
> Editor-in-Chief
> Let's Talk Bitcoin! <http://www.letstalkbitcoin.com>
> 1-855-WETALKBITCOIN Ex.700
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Talk to me on Gli.ph, my preferred communications platform
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