:: Re: [unSYSTEM] No Utopias - Is Ther…
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Auteur: caedes
Datum: 2013-06-29 03:32 -000
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] No Utopias - Is There a Way Out?
El 27/06/13 21:10, Amir Taaki escribió:
> I want to simplify the political discourse. I believe it's been too
> weighted down by dogmatism and complex visions tenuously drawn out
> from unproven first principles. The truth is simpler. We don't need to
> complicate what we know.

+1000 :)

> They use the word "post-capitalist" lots, but it's misleading to read
> into that too much. What many Bitcoiners imagine as capitalism is not
> what most people conceptualise. The word is problematic and dividing.
> We would probably term the concept as corporatism. It's not communist
> or socialist to dislike corporations, and favour individuals and small
> businesses.

Yeah.. post capitalist is more poetic since everyone can see different
meaning there. Also, note how its not Anti-capitalist, but "post", which
in my view is very different. To me it just acknowledges the fact we
actually already live in post-capitalist world (this is not the 90s any
more), also that we dont work just by capitalist principles since time
for money is not a basic unit of account in human relations.

Anyways I'm with you if we're to produce simple explanations of reality
we should quit using fuzzy terms like "capitalism". I'm not sure
corporatism is all though. Consumism I think is a good one since it also
puts the eye on the consumer, the person. (its curious how things became
so anti-capitalist but so far from anti-consumist).

And in the end, it's not just evil corporations selling us things we do
not want and do not need, its also mislead ppl buying things they dont
need, or mismanaging what they have. Actually, if we're to believe in
"stateless economy" or "free market" then we better put the pressure on
the consumer -the person- (its just ppl prefer to blame someone else).

> I see the role of an entrepreneur as a person looking into a community
> or market, getting into the minds of those people and trying to
> satisfy a need. The business is simply a vehicle for sustaining the
> work. It isn't about trying to offer the minimal work for the maximum
> pay scamming off everyone around you. It's about building
> infrastructure, and supporting good people around you to improve the
> lives of people. I like Bitcoin because it empowers this group of
> people (artists, small business, any service).

I see the entrepeneur similar, but I'm not so sure about the role of the
business when its not based 100% on capitalist relationships gets fuzzy
and I'd say we even need new ways to talk about that I'm continously
getting into "logic errors" implementing business in the post capitalist
world... lol... but its sure cheaper and way more sustainable in the end.

Btw, we're soon accepting bitcoins more officially in calafou, and we're
also doing some educative talks to integral cooperative about how it
works (ppl know about it but there is a big lack of information). Some
friends already are going to start accepting bitcoins for some products
(marmelade) or services (tatoos) and we're likely expanding to more soon
(bread, cheese, massages), so we'll see how it empowers this specific
group of ppl (that are curious but wary of its relations to speculation).
