:: Re: [Bricolabs] Information and Opi…
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Autor: Andres Burbano
Fecha: 2013-06-25 19:14 -000
A: Bricolabs
Asunto: Re: [Bricolabs] Information and Opinions [Brazil]
Pedro, Bricos,

Thank you very much Pedro, the video material you are sharing is
impressive, it illustrates well the intensity of the times. I think this
social process is important because what happens in Brazil has important
repercussions in all South America, specially since the influence of
Brazil in the region has been prominent in the last decade.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Pedro Bayeux <pedrobayeux@???> wrote:

> Hi!
> Just to illustrate the situation, three videos that im producing here, in
> sao paulo:
> https://vimeo.com/69088555 18.06 Medo e delírio na vizinhança. (fear and
> loathing in the* *neighbourhood*)***
> https://vimeo.com/68937912 17.06 Palácio do Governo.
> https://vimeo.com/68357255 13.06 Av. Paulista.
> !
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 6:49 AM, Maira Begalli <ce0064@???> wrote:
>> 2013/6/24 yto lab <yto.lab@???>
>>> What about Belo Monte indigenous people? Do you think is it a hope for
>>> them?
>> nothing about Belo Monte, or impacts of oil exploration :/
>> nothing about socioenvironmental causes.
>> https://t.co/mTGtWnPbYc
>> sad :/
>>> Yto Aranda
>>> www.yto.cl
>>> www.escaner.cl
>>> www.cinetica.abierta.cl
>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Gabriel Menotti <
>>> gabriel.menotti@???> wrote:
>>>> Hey Andres (& bricos)!
>>>> I've been having a really hard time understanding what's going on in
>>>> Brazil, particularly because I just got back to the country. But IMHO this
>>>> analysis seems very sensible and aware of the many complexities at play.
>>>> Portuguese only, unfortunately:
>>>> http://diegoviana.opsblog.org/pauta-difusa-e-derrota-mais-uma-vez/
>>>> Right now, the president has given a public declaration calling for a
>>>> plebiscite for political reform (not the best link):
>>>> http://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/politica/noticias/dilma-chama-plebiscito-popular-para-reforma-politica
>>>> (all ptbr, sorry anglophones)
>>>> Best!
>>>> Menotti
>>>> 2013/6/24 Andres Burbano <burbano@???>
>>>>> Oi Felipe and Bricos,
>>>>> Thanks for taking the time... It seems that things will be for a while
>>>>> a bit messy, unclear to to see and difficult understand, I know what were
>>>>> the initial demands (public transportation) but I am not sure about the new
>>>>> demands. What is the government position? it looks like the government
>>>>> offered a negotiations about public services... but is that the point?
>>>>> I hope the outcome will be in favor of social equity and cultural
>>>>> tolerance.
>>>>> Obrigado
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Felipe Fonseca <
>>>>> felipefonseca@???> wrote:
>>>>>> Oi Andres, all Bricos
>>>>>> I can tell you that here in Brasil we're having a hard time wrapping
>>>>>> our heads around everything that is happening and their manifold
>>>>>> implications. Personally, I have the feeling that our expanded networks
>>>>>> were at first excited with the possibilities and the potential impact of
>>>>>> the demonstrations. Especially, it must be said, after some journalists
>>>>>> were beat by the police and the mainstream media stopped supporting the
>>>>>> police/state. But that comes with consequences: with media support, the
>>>>>> more socially-aware demands were gradually substituted for a more general
>>>>>> discourse about morality in politics, against political parties in general,
>>>>>> especially those wearing red flags and used to go to the streets. So in a
>>>>>> sense what could be seen as a movement demandind those which are historic
>>>>>> left-wing topics was appropriated by a supposedly (according to mainstrem
>>>>>> media) 'apolitical' series of protests. What followed were episodes of
>>>>>> right-wing, even some neonazi groups goingo to the streets, burning red
>>>>>> flags (in favour of green/yellow, 'national' ones), lots of senseless
>>>>>> violence taking place, etc. Some people were actually seeing parallels with
>>>>>> the march of the families with god for freedom that preceded the military
>>>>>> coupe d'etat in 1964...
>>>>>> Too early to say we won, as people are still going to the streets.
>>>>>> Some are saying we ought to notice the inversion of demands, but should
>>>>>> persist and keep going to avoid letting the whole mobilization in the hands
>>>>>> of the wrong people. Demonstrations can offer good education on politics,
>>>>>> diversity and self-management (it worked for me).
>>>>>> efe
>>>>>> On 21-06-2013 02:00, Andres Burbano wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Bricos,
>>>>>>> Like many people around the world I have been following with
>>>>>>> attention
>>>>>>> what is happening in Brazil these days. Because there is an important
>>>>>>> Brazilian participation in the list, I would like to ask you guys for
>>>>>>> some information and opinions on how to interpret the facts.
>>>>>>> Also I would like to receive recommendations of good sources of info
>>>>>>> (media) to follow the events.
>>>>>>> Obrigado
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Andres Burbano
>>>>>>> PhD Media Arts and Technology | University of California Santa
>>>>>>> Barbara
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>>>>> Andres Burbano
>>>>> PhD Media Arts and Technology | University of California Santa Barbara
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>> ;)
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Andres Burbano
PhD Candidate Media Arts and Technology | University of California Santa