:: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: …
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Autor: Suzon Fuks
Data: 2013-05-30 12:25 -000
Para: Bricolabs
Novos Tópicos: [Bricolabs] Camp Pixelache...
Assunto: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: basic brico question: the GLUE
Yes it will pretty early in Europe! I know!

The audience will see all the 5 presenters and me with audience in Noosa
each location with a video and images too! You'll see that's the Tap, you
can do a lot….no need of sending people too links…
For this panel, you will be in the audience online, in type chat and
seeing/hearing all at the same time! :-)
You will be able to comment and ask questions…and last 30minutes, people
will be able to exchange their experiences, tips, successes, failures,
protocols, etc…
With more time, I would have been able to get other people on webcam, but we
can have only 6 videos at the same time…so this is how we will proceed for
this panel!:-)
I will be happy to give you a guided tour of the Tap, later
See you online, looking forward to it!

Suzon Fuks
WATERWHEEL, Make & Share about Water

WATERWHEEL Initiator and co-founder http://water-wheel.net
IGNEOUS Co-artistic Director http://www.igneous.org.au
skype: suzonfuks | http://suzonfuks.net
mob: +61-439 929 028 | Tel:+61-7-3255 8355 | 3/27 Waverley St - Annerley
QLD 4103 - Australia
it takes 3 litres of water to make 1 sheet of A4 paper & 12,000 litres to
make 500 grams of chocolate!

From: Paula Vélez <pvelezbr@???>
Reply-To: Bricolabs <brico@???>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 13:44:36 +0200
To: Bricolabs <brico@???>
Subject: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: basic brico question: the GLUE

Thank you.
Count with me, I will be online for that panel.
5:30 am in Paris.
Is it with video?
Only chat and text exchange?
Will you do video projections with links, photos or pages from the remote
I am wondering if a sort of quick Prezy should be elaborated for this
special occasion.

Best regards,


On 28 mai 2013, at 11:12, Suzon Fuks <suzon@???> wrote:

> Great Paula!
> You and all bricos are welcome to this online panel
> at Balance/UnBalance Conference
> in Noosa, Australia and online on Waterwheel's Tap
> Saturday 1 June at 1.30pm (Australia time) - time converter
> http://bit.ly/13QGASx
> Direct link http://water-wheel.net/taps/view/449
> After a presentation of each panelist and their networks, we will discuss:
> . How and why WATER as a theme gives entry points for people to engage
> . Which methods and activities are used for building exchange & knowledge
> . Looking at a past event, each presenter will highlight successes,
> failures, tips, unexpected outcomes, inclusion, protocols & future
> possibilities
> - Eklavya Prasad (New Delhi, India) http://meghpyneabhiyan.wordpress.com
> - Mary Gardner (Byron Bay, Australia) http://www.tangleoflife.org
> - ŒWest¹ D.L. Marrin (San Diego, CA, USA) http://www.watersciences.org
> - Irina Novarese (Berlin, Germany) http://www.hydromemories.com
> - Christine Destrempes (Keene, NH, USA) http://artforwater.org
> Facilitated by Suzon Fuks, with James Cunningham as go-between,both will
> be in Noosa with conference delegates and on http://water-wheel.net
> You are welcome to contribute by commenting, asking questions, relating
> your experiences in the type chat. All you need is a web browser with Flash
> plu­gin and broad­band inter­net
> con­nec­tion (it does not work on iPad).
> Looking forward to meeting you in Noosa or online!
> :-)
> Suzon
> From: Paula Vélez <pvelezbr@???>
> Reply-To: Bricolabs <brico@???>
> Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 11:04:26 +0200
> To: Bricolabs <brico@???>
> Subject: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: basic brico question: the GLUE
> I become interested in Bricolabs specially for the water subjects, then of
> course I was a happy reader of other subjects going on on the list.
> Following my curiosity around some subjects going on in this list I want to
> share two or three facts that made me move foward to have a closer look into
> it.
> First it was the washing machine 'oswash' matter. Following this I arrive to
> make a trip once and meet Jean-Noel when he organized the Festival 'Estive
> Numérique'. It was very glad to meet other incredible people there with who we
> organized together another Festival that was such a thing : Apadoloup
> Festival.
> Here are some photos around the subject of water, washing machines, energy and
> artisanal soap with ashes.
> http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=oswash
> If you want to see more, here is a set of photos of Estive numérique:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/sets/72157630967494722/
> Here from 'Apadoloup Festival' , where we built 5 toilets (that worked very
> good), a space for taking solar showers, a kitchen and with Jean Noel and
> other friends we worked together to make one prototype for an electric engine
> with a tree that could be use also for a washing machine.... it was not
> finished but it is still part of the process. (it is related to the precedent
> link taged 'oswash')
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/sets/72157630967494722/
> There is another experience following a subject on the list and bring in to
> reality:
> I wanted to learn from a real situation about the Barefoot college, you can
> read about in english here:
> http://paulav.net/2012/01/04/trabajo-de-campo-siguiendo-la-pista-a-barefoot-co
> llege/
> I remember also all we have learn together on the list about water recevoirs
> and treatment. We have shared experiences with Vanessa, HONF and Atteka among
> others. This subject still interest me a lot because I am extremely motivated
> to do some things in this place. This ecosystem is one of my favorites, the
> mangrove:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359961422/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359113807/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359143577/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359138581/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359932772/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359952558/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359919302/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359913762/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359916640/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3359098663/in/set-72157623288625714
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulav/3480298166/in/set-72157623288625714
> We have started to work on it but we really need a 'minga'.
> I still thinking that there are people connected to other people, that are
> connected to more other people and at the end we will find the some that will
> join and work together. That is one of my purpose to be on bricolabs list.
> Well, then, the thing about north-south-est-west maybe is not a real problem.
> But there are real differences in between of big cities and rural territories.
> The spread of labs, medialabs, and technostuff are the trend subjects in
> cities, not in issolated places maybe.
> During Pixelache Festival, when I visited Naissaar, we where completely
> indiferent to the management of trash, plastic, food and other subjects like
> this. We have discuss about different subjects related to each ones experience
> and work in their habitats, but we were not connected to the present. In the
> time laps present... thinking commons and stuff like this.
> sorry for my english.
> paula
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