:: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: …
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Skribent: Suzon Fuks
Dato: 2013-05-28 07:56 -000
Til: Bricolabs
Emne: Re: [Bricolabs] FINAL READER CALL: basic brico question: the GLUE
Hehe,Jaromil and the campfire! StoriesŠ :-)
Sure we are each and all parts of multiple networksŠand processes are
definitely important.
Maybe what type(s) of communication people like and wish to have within a
Affluent community, what does it mean?


On 28/05/13 5:36 PM, "Jaromil" <jaromil@???> wrote:

>On Fri, 24 May 2013, Felipe Fonseca wrote:
>> I think it's also worth asking whether or not it is actually an
>> "option", and how persistent it is. Do I call myself brico? When,
>> with whom, against which alternatives? Am I more brico than
>> metareciclagem? Or both? Or none?
>> Identities, multiplicities, belonging, building...
>I think the question on how one has arrived is wrong, with all respect
>for J&J doing lots of very good stuff and the BRICO reader being just a
>great thing.. I'm not interested in this social-network approach of
>understanding how things are born, there is no actual value in the
>origin of things if not the projection of the one-self which is an
>individualist archetipe per-se.
>What InI is interested is the process, not the origin. Is a fertile
>present, not a crystallized amber past. Is the affluent community, not
>the founding members. Is the story, not the history. Is how to make
>peace, not who started the war.
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