:: [unSYSTEM] Fwd: Re: lies
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Auteur: Amir Taaki
Datum: 2013-05-24 17:01 -000
Aan: unsystem
Onderwerp: [unSYSTEM] Fwd: Re: lies
I want to archive a few of the originals I wrote from this list.

- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: lies
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 03:49:04 +0100
From: Amir Taaki <genjix@???>
To: Mike Gogulski <mike@???>, Mihai Alisie
<mihai@???>, nicolasmendo@???,
xiaziyna@???, "Margus w. Meigo" <Margus.Meigo@???>, Andrew
Miller <amiller@???>, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>,
Pavol Luptak <wilder@???>, Joerg Platzer <joerg@???>,
Jaromil <jaromil@???>, Bruno Gola <brunogola@???>

we're all working on the same project. you know which project i'm
talking about. it's so simple and not worth explaining. we just see
different ways of completing it.

but i think our scopes are large enough that there is common
intersections between our different approaches. we all make a plan, and
then along the way it's easy to get lost in the details and the detail
because the project.

this happened to me a lot on game development, where i would be
programming a game and develop a game engine for it, then become
obsessed with perfecting the game engine and never develop the games.

like one person might talk about putting people on mars and you ask why,
and they give some reason. and you have to keep asking why to get to the
core. some people try to terminate the questioning because they aren't
used to it, so you have to take them back a step, guide them back on
track and continue on again.

many many people in the world are devoted to this project, but they
aren't always doing it in a smart way or the plans they made have a
problem. i sometimes think that's why the catholic church bans birth
control. it's important to let them know the problem so we coordinate
and give each other feedback.

that's the decent thing to do because if i was doing something wrong,
then i like to hear that criticism and together we find a fix.

my contribution is more indirect. it's not so visible outside my bubble,
but i feel the effect to be worth it. it might not be so physical as
other solutions, but it gives the tool for people to offer this feedback
and coordinate their plans for the project.

and while spaces are limited for now, and are even affecting some other
species in a bad way, it's something we're figuring out. our spaceship
is experiencing some technical difficulties, but we can totally get
through this. we have really skilled people. i've assigned some of our
best engineers to work on this.

while they are working on this, i ask you all to support their valuable
work and try to keep office politics out of the team. some of you
suggested that we create additional spaceships, and i also think that is
a good idea.

keep up the good work.