:: [Bricolabs] A final call for the Br…
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Lähettäjä: John Hopkins
Vastaanottaja: Bricolabs
Vanhat otsikot: [Bricolabs] a call for brico-things - pixelache exhibition
Uudet otsikot: [Bricolabs] Stencils for Bricolache!
Aihe: [Bricolabs] A final call for the Brico-Reader
Greets bricoleurs --

As we approach the Pixelache/Brico event, Bronac suggested to me that we should
put out a final call for any/all brico-related texts -- and especially, if you
might generate brief texts about what bricolab is to you, what it might mean for
your practice (praxis!), how it resonates in your world, any brico stories,
projects, histories, ideas, or even thoughts on the Brico-future. It's a great
opportunity to participate in a bricolage and your texts are very welcome!

We want the Brico-Reader to be a holistic snap-shot of what we are in the moment!


Jerneja & John


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!