:: [Bricolabs] asian bricos [was: remo…
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Lähettäjä: Felipe Fonseca
Päiväys: 2013-04-11 10:44 -000
Vastaanottaja: brico
Vanhat otsikot: [Bricolabs] remote sessions helsinki
Aihe: [Bricolabs] asian bricos [was: remote sessions helsinki]
Connecting for remote sessions! Atteqa, Yasir, Jaromil (in Cairo), who
else? Anyone from Sarai on this list anymore?


On 07-04-2013 20:29, Victoria Sinclair wrote:
> hey bricos
> quick email to see if any of you would like to participate in the remote
> sessions at 11am and 4pm helsinki time on 17th may as part of
> pixelache?     we have two major nodes - helsinki and la paz, bolivia
> and time-wise the more eura/asia friendly time seems to be the 11am, and
> then the la paz/latino groups will join in the 4pm.    We are trying to
> make a little late night hub in a cafe/restaurant in la paz to make the
> connection as 'global' as possible but that is still to be confirmed.

> one of the main aspects of the panels will be to assist bricos and other
> groups to network and map each other with a respect to low tech, grass
> roots problem solving and knowledge sharing. it would be really great
> if bricos could be on hand with their case studies and projects at hand
> to offer some orgs who really like the sound of the smell of bricos but
> maybe need some contexts.
> participating orgs will be sharing some outlines of what they do and
> links so we don't spend the whole time feeling like we are in a speed
> dating/speed-networking token environment.....we don't have long -
> approx 1 hour per session until people autonomously arrange their next
> encounters
> so - in true brico style we have a bit of a deadline that we aren't
> really going to make with the list of participants in the sessions but
> we have a lovely group together to far.
> 11am finland time
> we have helsinki crew (please do confirm helsinki physical participants)
> - if you can make it
> but we have bronac, alejo, felipe and??
> HONF - Indonesia
> Atteqa - Pakistan
> Cultura Viva early morning La Paz people
> Southern Voices,UK
> plus some contributions from Intention One Earth in Australia
> 4pm
> Helsinki group - please confirm again who will be participating - its a
> long day for you
> La Paz Cultura Viva from across Latin America delegates
> 1 group Guatemala - delegate is from 13 lunas but representing 2 labs in
> Xela and Lago Atitlan
> Eleven Mexico
> Casa B Bogota plus affiliates
> probably Southern Voices UK as well
> (NB the afternoon session will be in Spanish/Portunol and English,the
> morning in English)
> Also it looks likely that we will do a session on 21st may from la paz
> looking at economic solidarity/alternative currency and non proprietary
> software for network development in grass roots communities. please
> get in touch if you would like to be involved
> Please, it would be great if we could bring in some more bricos esp to
> the second session.      We will be sending out a 'how to' re the
> streaming technology and set up and to have a couple more brico nodes
> sharing their knowledge would be really nice

> please get in touch if you would like to be involved. would be really
> nice to connect again....vickysinclair@???
> <mailto:again....vickysinclair@gmail.com>
> vx
> --
> Victoria Sinclair
> www.ethicalsolutions23.wordpress.com
> <http://www.ethicalsolutions23.wordpress.com>
> Project Manager Generate Project and founder ArcSpace Manchester
> Co-ordinator Hackademia festival www.hackademia.org.uk
> <http://www.hackademia.org.uk>
> Alumni Asian-Europe Foundation 360degrees
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