:: Re: [unSYSTEM] from Tahria square, …
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著者: Aimee Maree Forsstrom
To: 'System undo crew'
題目: Re: [unSYSTEM] from Tahria square, Cairo
To add my 2cents... Like I say and have said you need to radicals... they present a view that while society might not ever get there them talking about it helps to bring society those few steps closer... This is what I talk about when I do Open Source panels and the likes at Microsoft and other heavy corporate events where I am asked to comment on RMS... by having people like him in the world of FLOSS/OSS it helps to drag us all that little bit further... they might never be able to drag the main stream along but they inspire and present ideas and a thought as said can never be killed once it has been thought... The other side of what Mike is talking about and I have discussed with Amir and Alex is being able to present a more mainstream approach this enables a more structured argument to come across and also helps to stop those who say "Well those radicals" etc it stops these arguments and also enables an environment where the radicals can continue to be radical... That is my two thoughts and the reason why when I was first involved in Human Rights and Environmentalism I stopped throwing myself on the front line and chaining myself to trees because my skill set and who I am is someone who wants to try to present a more neutral view that can then only be argued by logic? Not sure if that makes any sense but I did it in order to allow those who do chain themselves etc. an environment to which they can continue to be themselves... this is the best use of my skill set... So I say Amir keep on being Amir that is all you can be... and I will keep on being me etc. this is how we change the world by being able to work together and support each other?

I hope any of that makes sense and welcome a discussion :)

Also not that is might not be as important to some... but I got into a podcast in Australia to help present a non-bank view on BitCoin they still don’t really get it down there... So far in the past 6months I have done talks at Open Source Developers Conference and also Linux Con Australia and smaller meet-ups this has seen a group of people start to use BitCoin and also to present a view to people that this is not just a group of small hackers but an idea about challenging the current broken economic models in our global world....


If you listen and think I mentioned something wrong in the podcast please let me know so I can correct it...

Hugs to you all and remember it takes all types to make the world go round and the most freeing thing you can do in an un-just world is have the freedom of self-conviction to be who it is you are...

-----Original Message-----
From: unsystem-bounces@??? [mailto:unsystem-bounces@lists.dyne.org] On Behalf Of Amir Taaki
Sent: Monday, 8 April 2013 9:15 AM
To: unsystem@???
Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] from Tahria square, Cairo

Yeah cool. Write anything you think to this list.

But at the end of the day, the real message comes from staying true to yourself. Not putting on a fake act and dressing for others. I speak from the heart.

I'm not a politician trying to win votes, I'm a hacker spreading our culture and speaking directly to our guys. Our guys can see through any acting and it stops me connecting to them.

On 07/04/13 22:10, Mike Gogulski wrote:
> Amir, you hit a lot of the key points and hit them very well during
> the segment. For that, congrats and thanks.
> But I gotta complain, too. If I had to score your performance on the
> show, I'd give you an A or A- for content, and an F for delivery and
> presentation. You (and by extension us, bitcoin, the whole freakin'
> planet, &c) would benefit massively from some coaching by folks who
> have "done media" before, especially in the political sphere, which is
> where you're now operating.
> I hope you'll take this from me in the spirit I mean it. I'm happy to
> provide some of that coaching myself (and explain the reasoning behind
> it), and I think I can get a couple other people interested in
> donating a few hours to the work as well.
> Peace, Mike
> On 04/06/2013 01:26 AM, Amir Taaki wrote:
>> Thanks. There is a Bitcoin press wave going on now. Been having TV
>> crews here all week at the squat. It's important to show good things
>> coming out of squats to the world.
>> It's a victory. I'm at the end of the hacker spectrum. Even in hacker
>> circles I'm an extremist. They've put me right in the centre of
>> mainstream.
>> When things like this happen, you know our culture has made it.
>> http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2013/04/2013457263924
>> 1668.html

>> http://news.sky.com/story/1071652/cyber-currency-surge-amid-eurozone-
>> crisis

Lots more print stuff and more coming too.
>> On 04/04/13 19:56, Jaromil wrote:
>>> Dear comrades, Salam aleikum.
>>> I'm writing you from a balcony above the noisy streets of Cairo a
>>> few hundred meters away from the square where 5 years ago, on the 6
>>> of april, the so called Arab Spring started boiling what would
>>> become the revolution that took over the regime of Mubarak in Egypt.
>>> Today I've entered my room in a demure and rather anonymous building
>>> downtown to switch on the TV on Al-Jazeera international right on
>>> time to see, to my surprise, Amir showing off his brand new furry
>>> mohawk in an episode dedicated to Bitcoin. Wonderful! it just felt
>>> like in a movie, close to surrealism, to be listening to it right
>>> from here, at the heart of the Egyptian revolutionary movement.
>>> What a hit! to see my bro' carrying his passionate message with such
>>> impetus and so well, on such an important worldwide channel. Clearly
>>> he is not mistaken when he states that we are facing a global
>>> movement of change, riding its wave.
>>> Just two days ago I was presenting Bitcoin to an interested but
>>> still small audience here in Cairo, among them some hackers and
>>> students and random Google fans, who are starting to understand
>>> what's next. Its all happening so fast now, tight in the days in
>>> which Wikileaks is releasing the files on the offshore sociopathic
>>> finance oligarcs, right in the days preparing the 5 years
>>> anniversary of the revolution that shook north Africa, a culture so
>>> far from ours, yet so close in idealism I belive.
>>> So this is a heads up from Cairo and an idealist call: lets think
>>> about using the wealth we are rising with Bitcoin not just to grow
>>> it in our pockets, but to help and support the revolutionary
>>> movement of the Arab Spring. I'll be meeting people around here in
>>> the next days and conspiring about visions and possibilities. If you
>>> like, since my funds are rather limited, please contact me privately
>>> if you are intentioned to donate some Bitcoins to the cause, since
>>> I'd like to share some to the good people here, see if we can
>>> organize some international meeting soon and what not.
>>> Moreover, it will be my pleasure to soon share with you an academic
>>> article that I've recently written also as part of my Ph.D. thesis,
>>> about the social and political background of Bitcoin, its history
>>> and its possible future. Let's keep in touch, so far so close, for
>>> our planetary coevolution.
>>> ciao
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Jesus pirated bread. Gave it to hundreds.

Baker: "we need better legislation."

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