:: Re: [Bricolabs] IRC, Tomorrow
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Autor: Felipe Fonseca
Data: 2013-02-27 20:43 -000
Para: brico
Assunto: Re: [Bricolabs] IRC, Tomorrow
That means right now ;)

On 26-02-2013 18:31, Felipe Fonseca wrote:
> Hi all
> Now really back in Ubatuba, surrounded by boxes, tired but relieved.
> Already thinking of having more of you to visit us here. Keep in mind
> we're planning an event for october/november this year, let's see how it
> evolves.
> Anyway, we have another IRC meeting tomorrow evening (GMT 8PM). Topic of
> the week: we should start detailing the Bricolabs conference on 17th of
> May. Vicky will try to be online tomorrow as well (I asked her to help
> organising the remote sessions during Pixelache).
> See/read you tomorrow then: freenode, #bricolabs.
> efe
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