:: Re: [Bricolabs] Pixelache: bricolab…
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Auteur: Atteqa Malik
Datum: 2013-02-06 16:32 -000
Aan: Bricolabs
Onderwerp: Re: [Bricolabs] Pixelache: bricolabs exhibition
I may not be there in person cause I need to be home for my son who has his
final grade 11 O level exams but would love to participte in a
deconstructive act on video or live for this event if I could


On Tuesday, February 5, 2013, Tapio Makela <tapio@???> wrote:
> Hi,
> video instructables, why not.
> it could be interesting to have both projects that have been realized, as

well as one's in progress.
> How to, and probably how to.
> And perhaps ideas for an not so conventional way to share them to

Pixelache audience?
> Video screening is not an option when it has to do with Pixelache, the

event is (at least for Finnish context) very social and engaging, so longer
screening is not maybe feasible but a kind of living video library would
> Should there be a tight time limit? One minute long each? Two?
> Btw - the area for Friday's events is called Suvilahti - Summer Bay. It

is a former gas plant where the soil is mostly now cleaned of toxic waste.
On location there are photography studios, cultural org offices and center
for contemporary circus. Surrounding area is pretty much urban industrial.
Also it hosts a local music festival called Flowfesitval every summer.
Naissaari, the site we will be in Estonia has the history of Soviet
military presence and sea mine shells + toxic waste still to be cleaned.
And a beautiful island. Badlands becoming cultivated after different
industries leave space behind. Maybe of interest, offices of these guys are
a few blocks away: http://dodo.org/ (check with translate on).
> Tapio
> On Feb 4, 2013, at 21:36 , Vanessa Gocksch <vanessagocksch@???>

> o yeah , sounds great..+.a bunch of videos going backwards. jejejeje.

> 2013/2/4 Felipe Fonseca <felipefonseca@???>
>> Hi all
>> Thinking a bit here about the bricolabs exhibition during Pixelache.

What about an exhibition whose every artwork comes with its own howto? Or
is deconstructed and explained in a workshop?
>> What about the "source" in "open source culture"?
>> efe
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