:: Re: [Bricolabs] on Internet of Peop…
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Skribent: Atteqa Malik
Til: Bricolabs
Emne: Re: [Bricolabs] on Internet of People
BRILLIANT Rob!! i want to be a member please


On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Rob van Kranenburg <kranenbu@???>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Council
> http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/
> started at a table with Usman Haque (check his smelly floors and artistic
> architecture projects at www.haque.co.uk<http://www.haque.co.uk/>),
> Régine Debatty (check her blog we make money not art) and Christian Nold
> (who thought up the word 'Council', check his Biomapping.net<
> http://Biomapping.net/> or softhook.com<http://softhook.com/> i, I think
> it was in Nottingham in a really nice pub. Robin Hood territory! :)
> I come from Literature, hypertext and Interactive Arts. Touring that
> circuit at the end of nineties and beginning of the 2000's (Transmediale,
> ISEAA, Futuresonic, DEAF, RIXC events on 'Mixed Reality', I realised we had
> to build a shell for artists in this field as they would be eaten by
> industry - paying them peanuts for the work then for example on
> accelerometers in phones (check Jussi Angesleva) and Doors of Perception 7
> on Flow (where I was Flow editor). In Rixc in 2002 or 2003 I realised we
> had to build a Mixed Reality Corporation. Karmen Franinovic was there and
> we both agreed that was necessary.
> So we set up was Council, built for influencing policy and being a kind of
> newspaper for IoT, doing good. Number 2 on Google in most countries when
> googling for 'internet of things'.
> Now we set up Internet of People. We had a very good meeting in Amsterdam
> with the business developers Lorna Goulden, Alexandra Deschamps Sonsino and
> Martin Spindler. We went back to the roots. Why did I want this? For the
> past ten years I wanted it as a shell for work for artists, designers,
> coders and the meaningful development of IoT. I wanted an outfit to bundle
> our presence and increase our visibility.
> We therefore decided to start as a mix of a recruitment agency bringing
> clients and expertise together & eventually providing design and consulting
> services for projects.
> We discussed a five year plan to begin with a limited number of clearly
> defined packages such as: talks, workshops, scans and forecasting - with a
> proposal to develop tools for these packages developed by and available to
> all members, and to build the foundation for #IoT. Depending on the
> response from the market, we would eventually develop other services such
> as supporting in-house research and innovation around #IoT, but the aim is
> primarily to find work for our members and to help organisations understand
> the potential, opportunities and threats of #IoT for their business.
> Profits, if any, will go to a Fund that will in the future be available to
> invest in our vision for internally initiated #iot projects which we can
> scope out when the time is right - these form part of the developments
> discussed for the latter end of the 5 year+ plan.
> This agency will be based on paper in the UK directed by Alex, Martin,
> Lorna and me. We will set up a management team that will handle sales,
> client relations and matchmaking with the members, payment and follow up.
> Membership will be offered at a one time fee and like any agency, a fee is
> added to the contract between a member and a client to cover expenses.
> (exact percent TBD)
> Members will get access to the work pool, best practices, tool-kit, shared
> use cases and extended network as well being connected to the brand and
> identity of the agency - one goal will be to develop a strong, reputable
> and internationally recognised brand. The role of the members in building
> this position is crucial and they will also be able to provide input into
> the ongoing development of the vision and strategy of the group.
> Building up this structure and getting started will take three months.
> Greetings, Rob
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