:: [Bricolabs] floodgap:gopher
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Autor: John Hopkins
Data: 2012-09-19 22:00 -000
Para: Bricolabs
Tópicos Antigos: Re: [Bricolabs] Call to Artists - "CONVERGENCE/DIVERGENCE"
Assunto: [Bricolabs] floodgap:gopher
Hei -- I'll forward this domain http://www.floodgap.com/ as a nice resource I
ran across today when Gophering around the Gopher net
http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/ : it's a "repository for information
technology research, historical computing research, and open source software
(especially for retrocomputing and information retrieval technologies); as a
testbed for multiple hardware and networking projects..."


John Hopkins
Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!