著者: Marko Cebokli 日付: 2012-09-14 13:46 -000 To: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects 題目: Re: [Frei0r] [PATCH] Add "colgate", a new color correction plugin.
Well, your example images really drive the point home very well.
Must admit that I never really used balanc0r, so I guess I jumped too fast :-)
Should also have read your code more carefully, now I see that you stay in
RGB-type spaces anyway, I thought you were going to some Hxx space.
The amount of difference from balanc0r is striking, could be that there is a
bug in it, haven't read its code either...
On Friday 14 September 2012 16:42:12 Steinar H. Gunderson wrote: > You could argue that one should be balancing in camera color space, but
> in general, this color space is (as you say) unknown. Also, remember that
> the camera has also made its own white-balancing adjustment on the way, so
> unless you have access to the raw pixels, which I doubt you'd have for
> consumer video, it's hard to recover this space. (I'd guess the REDs would
> give out this kind of information; no DSLR I know of does.)
All this still holds when you convert to LMS, you have to assume something.
> If you don't have any “color cross-talk” as you describe it, and a constant
> gamma curve (e.g. constant 2.2), you don't need to gamma-correct before
> multiplication; the scaling factors will cancel out. (For sRGB, which uses
> a more complex curve, this will only be approximately true.)
REC 709 also does not use a simple power function, you would need to "de-
gamma" anyway.