:: Re: [Frei0r] In the works...
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Auteur: Dan Dennedy
Date: 2012-07-10 14:28 -000
À: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
CC: pmatthaei
Sujet: Re: [Frei0r] In the works...
Maybe Patrick Matthaei who maintains packages for MLT and Kdenlive can help.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
> thanks for the update IOhannes,
> I find it very sad to see how Debian is going: definitely the multimedia
> part of it is not well curated and I think its quite dangerous that Ubuntu
> relies uniquely on it, for instance every time I've asked to update the
> frei0r package in Ubuntu I've been sent to Debian, which is unresponsive
> and doesn't provides facilities to test builds (unlike launchpad)
> any help to network on that front is highly appreciated
> this is the ridicolous situation where we are now
> http://oswatershed.org/pkg/frei0r-plugins
> ridicolous also considering frei0r has an important (and trivial) bugfix
> on path usage for opencv made years ago and that is not incorporated.
> in the past months i've subscribed a number of debian mailinglist without
> much results besides the chaos in my inbox and the apparent impossibility
> to unsubscribe them now. I've also tried to interact with other maintainers
> which are alway too busy to react.
> don't get me wrong, I love debian on servers and I'm an avid user of emdebian
> for cross-compiling tasks, but I think this way it is loosing a lot of ground
> on the desktop and again the worst is that the most popular desktop distro of
> GNU/Linux, namely Ubuntu, relies solely on Debian's package inclusion process
> ciao
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> Free video plugins, minimal and cross-platform.
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