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Auteur: Kruno Jost
Datum: 2012-06-10 08:46 -000
Aan: Bricolabs
Onderwerp: [Bricolabs] INVITATION: SLOBODNI FESTIVAL 6 / CROATIA / 4.-8.7.12

Dear Bricos,

invitation for Free form event in Croatia, you are all invited!

Pls forward to people you think must be there!



4.- 8. July 2012

<http://www.mursko-sredisce.hr/>_, Croatia.

At turist location _CIMPER <http://www.cimper.com.hr/page.php?pid=1>_

Free festival is free and open space where people can share and exchange
knowledge and experience in freedom practices such as free software,
open technologies, free and clean energy, unconstrained fun, free
thinking, free media… Free festival caries energy of unconstrained
possibilities - there is no strict program, participants are invited to
participate with ideas from beginning of the making trough WIKI
platform, throughout the festival. Autonomous Centre from Čakovec is
there to help put it together and work on basic logistics. FF has only
few strictly set up time-lines: one for /workshopology/ seminar which
happens around noon, and three meals. Other times are open for
workshops, presentations collaboration and comradeship.

Free Festival is event where people who like to think free, organizers,
workshop givers, /creatives/, artists and activists meet to exchange
knowledge on their subject matter, but also on methods how to do it. FF6
is opening unstructured workshops and combinations of workshop
strategies for new creative outcomes.

Symposium “WORKSHOPOLOGY” will ask questions: who is /workshoper/ and
why, why does /workshoper/ need a place to work and what kind of place
is it, what kind of lab offers good educational arena for giving and
receiving workshops, why workshops in the era of digital, who will go to
all the workshops offered in the world, why informal education, etc.

Festival will also offer other creative events such as concerts,
spiritual healing, fun, open source knowledge, attractive visits to
beautiful nature, experience of local attitudes and history, art
interventions and performances. It will offer a beautiful summer at
location of Mursko Središće located in north Croatia, immediately on
border with Slovenia. Participants will enjoy local hotel Cimper, its
ground with sport and leisure activities, history of beer brewing, and
will work in nature under surrounding trees and tent domes set up for
workshops, presentations, children playgrounds…

Workshops will begin with short 5 minutes presentation that will create
understanding of the theme, what is it good for, why it helps in
promoting freedom practices, and what is needed from people to follow
it. After presentation, workshoper will suggest time and place where
people interested in the theme can meet. Together, they will discuss
where workshop will be held, for how long, and what days, together with
what will the outcome be.


Theme: teacher and student work together to create learning

Workshop is popular and easy way to say interactive “hands on” activity,
which can induce learning or development of some skills. In this modern
world we live in, lot of things are self-called workshop. The question
still remains, what is good workshop? The WORKSHOPOLOGY symposium is
hold by expert participants, and open to public observation and

First WORKSHOPOLOGY was held at Kiblix festival 2011.

Kruno Jošt
Autonomni centar - ACT
tel. +385/40/390-047
fax. +385/40/390-048
mob. +385/992591661