:: Re: [Bricolabs] Open Space Aarhus o…
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Auteur: John Hopkins
Datum: 2012-06-08 19:13 -000
Aan: Bricolabs
Onderwerp: Re: [Bricolabs] Open Space Aarhus opens its doors
Hej Carsten!

> As with many hacker spaces, I'd say there's an overweight of people with
> computer science and engineering backgrounds. We'd like to attract
> technology-oriented art groups, though.

Yeah, this is always the risk with hacking circles and device-oriented
systems... it's easy to get caught up with the techno-toys rather than looking
at how those toys fit into the bigger (techno-social) picture... and to make
sure there is a robust conversation going on across the very artificially
constructed barriers between disciplines!

I just came from a place exactly the opposite -- a small mountain settlement on
an old mining claim at about 3800 m. deep in the Rocky Mountains -- populated by
a crazy mix of Antarctic scientists and employees of Raytheon Corp (a military
industrial company from Boston that does all the logistics support for the US
Antarctic research stations). In addition there are various other folks who
wander through (like me...)... No electricity, no phones, kitchen is open-air
with gas appliances taken from homes, people live in teepees and all kinds of
DIY structures scattered up the mountain side in the forest. I met some of these
folks on a high mountain pass last Tuesday where I had made a nice little DIY
projection unit to view the transit of Venus for myself... Then all these
crazies came along, and we ended up having a big party: Rocky Mountain High ;-)
(fotos forth-coming when I get the chance to process them for the blog ;-)

I'll have to visit you folks some day when I'm back in that corner of the
world... it's been years since I was in Aarhus last!

cheers & keep on with the cool work!

John Hopkins
Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!