:: Re: [dyne:bolic] More about multime…
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著者: Marco Vladimir Lemus Yañez
日付: 2012-05-07 22:52 -000
To: dynebolic mailinglist
古いトピック: Re: [dyne:bolic] More about multimedia controls
題目: Re: [dyne:bolic] More about multimedia controls
After a long time finally I've checked the multimedia controls, thanks to
everyone, but for audacious there is no need to install new controls.
  What you can do (in a dell inspiron 8200, but I thik it can work for
other laptops and PCs with multimedia controls) is to open *audacious*, go
to menu clicking in the upper right corner, there click on *Preferences* an
then go to *Plugins* tab, once you are there select the *General* tab and
click on (check) the *Global Hotkey* and *Gnome Shortcuts* options, maybe
you should see preferences in the Global Hotkey plugin.
  It takes some time to work, you should take a look in the preferences for
the plugin repeated times, but finally it works. For other multimedia
software there should be the same options but I haven't taken a look in
   Hope it could be usefull for everyone, hope to see activity again around

2011/11/5 a5' <a59303@???>

> >> cases, for some player the all the controls just don't work) is the
> >> volume,
> >
> > I found this; I think this is the right track for your problem.
> >
> > http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=i8kutils
> >
> >
> > -a5'
> additionally,
> http://tfm.cz/man/1/i8kbuttons
> don't know about converting it to dynebolic friendly program but thats the
> stuff.
> a5'
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