Jaromil´s law! I will refer to that in future discussions, and If people
never heard of It, I will accuse them of being illiterate.
Do not read on If you
Okay.. English. Evolving, changing, and everyones property. Why is It
that so many things are only correct If they are a millenia old ? Well..
let It change. I love It. When I chat with my Ukranian friends and they
use Lingua and Ukranian language structure, and spit out English words
long forgotten in sexy slavic machinegun language strings.
Second gen Arabs change the Danish language as well, and It so painful
to observe, but only because It happened so fast. The americanization
was welcomed with open arms because It was "interesting" and .. I must
admit.. It did help that they had some B52's in the air, because we had
all learned in school that the commies were up to no good.
Friend of mine in Copenhagen, she is teaching ancient Greek and Latin.
We were discussing languages because I had been checking out Esperanto,
and decided It was a waste of time since the language had no natural
occurrence, and English seems unbeatable because that is the language
they use i Avatar and Sex & The City.
Well.. Her comment was short: Yes... English popular right now!
She was referring to the time when Latin was the latest thing. So..
English has not been around for that long since smut surfing was not
possible before they invented ... hmm... printing ?
Therefore.... Cantonese could be the next black on the internet.
Did I say black :( ooh dammit. I said black and used a smiley. I must
burn in hell with the pigs then (do pigs really go to hell ).
Which brings me to the next subject.
Black humor!
Carsten did write exactly what I was thinking, but I didnt want to get
him in trouble since he is a hardcore Ubuntu user, and when It comes to
Ubuntu users I feel Its a bit like family.
So... Often we hear what we WANT to hear. And I can give you a good
exmple of this.
I was sitting in a mafia VIP bar with a cop and some mafia guys. Lines,
whiskey and women was in abundance. One of the mafia guys didnt know any
english at all, and he hated foreigners. So when I mentioned his country
in a sentence, It was the cue he had been waiting for, and he hit me in
the face.
Now.. I could start explaining, but he was the size of a house and he
was not in a good mood, so I decided so apologize and buy a new bottle
of whiskey.
hmm... An issue, not an act ?
I was ready to leave the list so that order could be restored, but since
some of you guys rose to the challenge, It suddenly became interesting.
Where is It leading our cultures when "conflict" has become a negative
thing ? Aggression is a sign of weakness, even though we are at war?
Also... now in Denmark they want to teach children at some kindergardens
that words like he and she are discriminating.
And I wonder, can It get any worse ? Not even Orwell saw that one coming.
Note: Nationalistic feelings! Thats included in my new theory Circle Of
Caring. I think some degree of racism is really natural and healthy in a
NATURAL environment. My point being, multicultural mega cities are NOT
very natural, and since It takes us millions of years to evolve, I think
Its only natural we feel the urge to harass or bash anyone with
different skin color, language or religion. And when THEY are not
around, we turn to harassing and bashing each other. Well.. thats only a
fraction of what im working on, so that bit could be named Circle Of
Fear maybe.
Which brings us back to the misunderstand where where Hopkins labelled
me a racist because I use the language that many home made Danes would
use when THINKING of foreigners, or when they are drunk enough to
actually get in tough with their true feelings.
We dont even need terrorists in Denmark, because more than half the
population are ticking bombs anyway because of chronic stress and the
sensation of getting ass raped with huge black dildo every time they
explain how tolerant and understanding they are. Because here we solve
things through dialogue. We are not aggressive! (unless Its Saturday
night in Copenhagen and you by accident mention that you are a REAL
socialist while looking at someone else´s prey).
Note: Old guy recently complained that all young people sit with their
smartphones in the busses, and then go straight home to stare at their
computer. I told him that Its really not that bad. But he is right. If
you shoot the driver, no one will react before unless one forgot his
headphones and decides to twit the incident.
And I wonder why I attend an expo to make this city "smarter" when the
real problem is that even with all central heating, the smart library,
coffee bars, the safety and the health insurance... It is a very boring
and lonely place to live.
I think It is obvious why there is suddenly a wave of Danish movies
showing how we lived in the good old days with traditions, moral,
togetherness and love for our country. Hmm.. What country If I may ask
.Our culture is 7-Eleven, McDonalds, American movies, crap food,
Just-eat (site for buying junkfood), sexdating, binch drinking (at least
we did´nt change that one), riotpolice who pratice moves to cover for
cameras BEFORE brutalizing the kids who are not old enough to understand
how hopeless It is to fight what they will eventually become themselves.
Well.. I understand your eager to make a better world. But this place
(Denmark being on the list for sure) is a pop culture. Carsten here
fights for Open Source. Well.. That is "old". The rain forest ? Cmon ..
that is soooo 80´s. Global climate change ? What ? We are preparing for
It are´nt we ? (Codan insurance company used climate change as a sales
argument now). Sustainability ? Well.. If someone really mean It, but
green this and that, and crossmedia and... aaaargg... Its all BS, unless
you can make one fat politician sell his/her car, then MAYBE I will give
this planet a chance. But we dont have politicians like that anymore.
Most are dead. The rest got a taste of what It means to a senior citizen
in one of the "richest countries in the world". I met Anker Jørgensen a
few years back. Great guy. Former state minister, and he stays at a
regular home for old people. No special treatment in any way. He is just
that kind of a man.
The old tigers are gone now, so sorry I share any optimism when It comes
to saving this shit country. And sorry If I dont see any reason to be
polite and correct.
What is The Danish Effect? This is what it is:How to fuck up everything,
wrap It in a blue flag with stars, and sell It as a niceness-bundle to
American states looking for a way to live the sweet life AFTER they all
lost their jobs!
When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free!
Im still not sure who came up with that one, but I think Its a good one
in relation to this "conflict" there were between me and Hopkins.
Freedom of speech and free press is something we take for granted in a
country like Denmark, but are those things really free ? Actually they
are NOT! The LAW says we have freedom, but reality is different. And the
same goes for the internet. Its free, but even Denmark wants to block
more content, and If someone will protest, well.. after years of EU
training, our politicians know that If the people say no, just keep
asking them till they lose the will to resist.
The weird thing is that "poor countries" (apparently we have the right
to declare other countries poor no matter how big they are) have more
freedom in many ways, because they use less resources controlling what
people are allowed to watch, say and think, as long as they dont write
about in their local paper.
So how is It possible that poor countries who we label regimes, have so
much freedom ? And they didnt even PAY for It !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And what is the difference between NOT having a free press, and having a
press that refuse to print certain opinions ?
What good are free protocols and fancy gadgets, If we all become
volunteer Stasi agents and Weekend facists? Who am I to say that White
Pride can not march through Aarhus? Who am I to say that Blood & Honer
can not march through the streets of Plovdiv ?
Mosques, gay weddings, inseminations, free abortion. wow.. that was a
string of words that could heat up the discussion board. Because I take
free abortion for granted, but some of you might have a different view
on that. Some will even say that Its "unintelligent" to disagree on some
of those points.
and.. the conclusion.
The Internet must be set free once again, because there will be no end
to censorship once we allow a fraction of It.
The discussion here on whether to string me up or not, was a healthy
wakeup call, at least for me. But I decided to keep on sliding away form
mainstream tech obcession, because we need more life, and not more apps.
And I thank you, and I will refer to what I consider the best quote ever.
"Those are my principles, and If you don´t like them... well, I have
And In a way, as long as I dont get away with brute force obscene broken
angliski and some of you guys dont get a away with slick prejudice
verbal assassination, well.. maybe we will be okay until the poles melt
away, and we all have to pay the Dutch to build dams around every
continent in the world.
Sorry for late response. Something involving an ex KBG girl, floorball
in Monchegorsk, a Sunday ride on a bike from 0 to 100 in less than 4
seconds, discussing trout fishing and flirting with a 24 year old
sexbomb in Warsaw.
Definately going to mother Russia this Summer. Away from Concrete
liberal Ikea lesbians and unshaved hipsters wearing RayBans drinking
cheap local beer because It makes them look more left wing.
Dammit.. My tea got cold! Did I get out of the corner?
Remember: no matter where you go, there you are!
Den 08-04-2012 21:28, bronac@??? skrev:
> A paws for thought?
> paws for reflection?
> into the corner and lick those paws!
> No More please!
> X
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