Hi John
Point taken.
hmm.. wannabe... no! Offensive language? Sure.
With no education and influence by people from all corners of the world
(that includes broken English that requires more will than education to
understand) It is not easy ending up with some business school English.
Do I feel popular ? Hell no, and I dont want that fix anyway, and im not
planning to teaching Oxford English in Murmansk any time soon.
I have never been to North America, but If they have Jiff (chunky
version) I might go.
Hmm.. backgrounds, cultures and .. that last one. I guess that has
something to do with the social hiarchy of baboons and dangerous
abdominal fat, but I know what you are getting at, and that brings me to
the conclusion: You are right, and I am wrong!
But where to go from there ? Because right now I was reading The Little
Prince again, and since im not trying to provoke any (knowing I will get
kicked sooner or later anyway because Im lacking higher education), I
guess It comes down to our individual level of tolerance. Where I find
It offensive If someone fucks up my coffee, you might find It offensive
when I use the word "muslim" in relation to immigrants breeding like
rabbits. well.. sorry, but find someone in their mid twenties if you
want to accuse someone of being racist and narrow minded. Because I
think political correct polite people are some of the most narrow minded
hateful specimens I have ever come across.
Actually im a quite sensitive and polite person. I offer my seat to
ladies and children when on the bus. I just gave my dentist a nice print
of a photo from eastern Ukraine, because she treated me fair.
hmm.. so what does It mean to be a rude person ? Since im a fairly
tolerant guy, and Im not planning of going back to a life as a
normalized individual, AND I dont find your objections unfair, since you
are right, even though you are throwing peas at the wall.... I guess I
cant define your remark as critique or provocative. Leaving us with
views and opinions. Yours being the general ones, mine being.. hmm...
mine and nothing more.
But.. regarding the "offensive" language. When I write "ride the bus
along with working class scum and muslims", do you think that is what I
literally mean ? Or do you think some level of irony could be involved ?
Who are you to judge what proper language is ? Who are you to judge how
I express myself, If this Is the way I want to do It ? Are you some sort
of language police ? If you are judging me by my lack of "proper
English", then maybe we should send out a warning with some guidelines,
or should I say "correct guidelines" ? I dont mean to offend you here,
but I think Its food for thought. Theres a thin line between telling
other people how to express themselves and burning books ;)
Remember: no matter where you go, there you are!
Den 04-04-2012 00:57, John Hopkins skrev:
> Mr. Paw --
>> But since I have lived in 2 worlds. The eastern and the western, I am
>> convinced
>> that most westerners are willing to lose a few legs and arms if they
>> can avoid
>> what you are talking about. Because... when boiling It down It sounds
>> like
>> smaller cars, "green IT" and in general... planning for the future.
>> Sounds great
>> when you are buying a cup of fucking Baresso fairtrade nigga-sweat,
>> but less
>> pleasent when you have to ride the bus along with working class scum
>> and muslims.
>> Who was that chick someone linked to here recently ? well.. she wrote
>> something
> snip ...
>> There is an expo here in Aarhus the 11th at the towns hall (Aropia).
>> Well.. Its
>> kinda ironic to present ideas for the future to the people who dont
>> really give
>> a fuck as long as they get to keep they cars and houses.
> I don't know about anyone else on this list, but I find your language
> -- some kind of wannabe learned-from-television fake North Amurikan
> slang -- quite offensive -- you should be aware that imitating
> language you have picked up from mediated realities may indeed not be
> what you think it is. Especially when you are using it among a group
> of people who come from a wide variety of background, cultures, and
> social groupings.
> I have been to Aarhus a number of times, and never found people
> speaking as you do. I find this quite curious.
> jh
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> John Hopkins
> Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!
> http://neoscenes.net/
> http://tech-no-mad.net/blog/
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